The Renaissance The Reformation The Age of Discovery Unit 10 The Renaissance The Reformation The Age of Discovery
The Renaissance Renaissance French word for ‘rebirth’ This is a rebirth of learning and arts Became interested in the classical writings of the Greeks and Romans Humanists Philosophers that believed people were the center of things Concerned with man and the world around him
Italian City-States Leonardo da Vinci Michelangelo This is where the Renaissance started; Florence Art was supported by the wealthy; new styles ex: Realism and Perspectives Leonardo da Vinci Mona Lisa & The Last Supper Michelangelo Sistine Chapel
Lorenzo de Medici Savonarola Erasmus Johann Gutenberg Ruler of Florence that made it a center of learning Savonarola Monk against the Renaissance Not enough emphasis on God Took control of Florence but, was hanged for heresy Erasmus “In Praise of Folly” Attacked the corrupt church leaders and practices Johann Gutenberg Made the printing press So, books became easier to make thus cheaper to buy People began to read and write – new ideas spread easier
The Reformation Reformation Martin Luther a time when people called for reforms in the church Many reformed were excommunicated Some broke away from the Catholic church Martin Luther German Monk Justification by Faith Faith in God rather than doing good works would save people from sins
Indulgences 95 Theses Pardons for sins; sold by the Pope 95 statements or problems that Luther had with the church Posted them on the Church of Wittenburg Because of this: Luther is excommunicated Northern German princes support Luther Peace of Augsburg Treaty b/w Charles V – Holy Roman Emperor and the North German princes Allowed Lutheran and Catholic churches in Germany
Protestant John Calvin Counter-Reformation Ignatius of Loyola Churches that protected against Catholic teachings of the middle ages Services in the languages of the people John Calvin French Reformer Live in Switzerland Calvinism started after him Counter-Reformation Reforms within the Catholic Church In response to the reformation Ignatius of Loyola Founded the Society of Jesus Missionaries that went out to bring Protestants back into the Catholic Church
Reformation in England Henry VIII Wanted a divorce from his wife Pope said no Parliament makes him the head of the church so he can get a divorce Anglican Church Church of England – Protestant Wars of Religion Wars between the protestants and catholics Spain v. England – Catholic v. Protestant Spanish Armada - navy destroyed by England
France Huguenots – French Protestants –persecuted Edict of Nantes – granted protestant freedom of worship 1st country to allow both Protestant and Catholic worship
Age of Discovery Compass Astrolabes Prince Henry Instrument that shows directions Astrolabes Instrument that helps find latitude Prince Henry Portugal Started the world’s first school for navigators Caravel – large Portuguese ship that could cross the oceans and small enough to explore coastlines
Bartholomew Dias Vasco da Gama Christopher Columbus Scurvy First to sail around the southern tip of Africa Vasco da Gama First to sail to India Christopher Columbus First to reach the new world Scurvy A disease sailors got from lack of vitamin C Treaty of Tordesillas Spain and Portugal The Pope drew a line that divided the New World b/w them This line was known as the Papal Line of Demarcation
Conquistadors Hernando Cortes Francisco Pizarro Ferdinand Magellan Spanish conquerors of the Americas Hernando Cortes Conquered Mexico from the Aztecs Francisco Pizarro Conquered Peru from the Incas Ferdinand Magellan First to sail around the world Proved the world was round John Cabot Searched for the Northwest Passage and made many claims for England Jacques Cartier Sailed up the St. Lawrence River and gave the French a claim to Canada
New World Expansion Colonize Portugal Spain Build permanent settlements Portugal Area – Brazil Products – wood, cattle, sugar, gold, coffee Poorly organized Spain Area – S. America, N. America, Central America Products – gold, silver, cocoa, coffee, tobacco, sugar Well organized, strong empire
England Netherlands France Area – North America Gold, silver, and raw materials Overpopulation – religious freedom – PA Netherlands Area – took over many Portuguese colonies The most were taken by the English France Area – N. America, Quebec, Great Lakes area, Mississippi River Fur Traders Lost their territory to the colonies of England and sold the Louisiana Purchase to the U.S.