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Presentation transcript:

J-P. FONTELLE and J-P. CHANG Producing in due time best available inventories of air emissions in France J-P. FONTELLE and J-P. CHANG 2nd Joint UNECE Task Force & EIONET Workshop on Emission Inventories and Projections - GENEVA 9-11 May 2001

French inventory system Only one core system for all air emission inventories Only one inventory agency ( CITEPA ) : officially mandated as NRC (EIONET) or NFP (TFIAM) to produce various national air emission inventories for France (UNFCCC, UNECE, LCP, NAMEA, EMEP, JQ), technical expert correspondent for UNECE, EMEP, UNFCCC, etc. and in charge to produce additional inventory reports (SECTEN, PRQA, etc.)

French inventory system The current system includes different functions : definition/identification of methods, data, sources, procedures, etc. data collection data processing reporting validation and verification inventory report and data diffusion

Specifications depending on inventory goals Review, research, improvements National terms of reference Methodology Recommandations from approval commitee Data identification Data processing Data collection Confidentiality criteria Data sources (statistics offices, administrations, agencies, research centres, industries, experts, literature, guidebooks, etc. Validation LCP inquiry January n+1 Tax on emission Other questionaires, etc., ...EPER Continuous data flow collection

OPALE (road vehicle fleet) COPERT (road emissions) Data processing Simple processing (measur. or Act. x EF) Specific model implementation OPALE (road vehicle fleet) COPERT (road emissions) COBRA (biogenic emissions) AIR TRAFFIC PROSPER (projections) etc. Validation Additional data LCP databases Corinair databases Specific databases Uncertainties Additional data for CRF Additional data for NFR Additional data for other needs Early October n+1 Mid October n+1 Mid October n+1 overseas territories Other interfaces (secten, namea, etc.) Interfaces (unece, unfccc, etc.) including confidentiality criteria Specifically developed because EEA/ETC interfaces not fully available in time, not complying with sufficient flexibility and national needs Validation November n+1 LCP inventory report Other reports Draft reports (unece, unfccc) Early november n+1

Back to relevant previous stages Draft reports (unece, unfccc) Early november n+1 Draft reports (unece, unfccc) Recommandations for improvements (next revisions) Distribution for external verification November n+1 Early December n+1 Approval comitee meeting Includes experts from various authorities, possibly extended to other relevant people LCP inventory report Final reports (unece, unfccc) Other reports (secten, namea, etc.) November n+1 Mid December n+1 Spring / Summer n+2 Diffusion to unece, EC, unfccc Diffusion to EC End December n+1 Early n+2 (< mid April) Use for other inventories (EMEP, etc.) Internet www.citepa.org Spring n+2

Expectations for the future (2 or 3 next years) 1 - Include new requests (NFR, EPER, etc.) 2 - Produce the National Report on Methodology 3 - Develop uncertainty estimates 4 - Improve QA/QC 5 - Adapt the system (management of new or additional data, uncertainties, etc. to be included)

Simple processing (measur. or Act. x EF) Specific model implementation Additional data For the Future -Additional data will be integrated in the system which will be refined to manage all kind of data Data processing Simple processing (measur. or Act. x EF) Specific model implementation Validation LCP databases Corinair databases Specific databases overseas territories Other interfaces (secten, namea, etc.) Interfaces (unece, unfccc, etc.) including confidentiality criteria LCP inventory report Other reports Draft reports (unece, unfccc)

That’s all ! thank you for your attention, may be some questions ? inventory data hunter