Vascular disease, matrix abnormalities, and neuropathy: Implications for limb salvage in diabetes mellitus  Frank W. LoGerfo, M.D.  Journal of Vascular.


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Presentation transcript:

Vascular disease, matrix abnormalities, and neuropathy: Implications for limb salvage in diabetes mellitus  Frank W. LoGerfo, M.D.  Journal of Vascular Surgery  Volume 5, Issue 5, Pages 793-796 (May 1987) DOI: 10.1016/0741-5214(87)90185-6 Copyright © 1987 Society for Vascular Surgery and North American Chapter, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

Fig. 1 Completion arteriogram after in situ femoral—distal anterior tibial artery bypass graft in a diabetic patient threatened with limb loss because of ulceration of the heel and great toc. Note extensive network of patent small arteries in the foot, although the proximal tibial arteries were occluded. When atherosclerosis occurs in diabetes mellitus, it tends to involve the tibial vessels in the leg; however, the foot arteries are often spared. Journal of Vascular Surgery 1987 5, 793-796DOI: (10.1016/0741-5214(87)90185-6) Copyright © 1987 Society for Vascular Surgery and North American Chapter, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Terms and Conditions