We all start the same!
Where will you finish?
Choices Doing your best! Completing work – on time! Parent connection – help/check Paying attention in class Participating in class
Classroom Work
Parent’s Help
Class Participation
Are you paying attention in class? Where is your focus?
Grading Scale A = 92% - 100% B = 85% - 91% C = 77% - 84% D = 70% - 83% F = 0% - 69%
Weighted Grades for Final Grades 33% of grades are from your homework. 67% of grades are from quizzes and tests. 100% of your grade is determined by adding the two above.
Late Work LATE HOMEWORK POLICY Homework is due at the beginning of class, the next time that the class meets after it is assigned unless otherwise noted by the teacher. Homework must be appropriately completed at this time. No student will be allowed to return to his/her locker to look for missing homework.
Missing Work The following policy will be enforced regarding missing homework: 1. One class late - highest possible grade will be 84% 2. Two classes late will be a “0%” Teachers will be responsible for dealing with late homework assignments on their own and at their own discretion.
In School Suspension 1. Students are required to complete all work, and all assignments must be turned into the teacher upon their return to regular class following suspension. 2. The student may earn up to a grade equivalent of 100% (A) for work completed.
Out of School Suspension Students may do regularly assigned work during out-of-school suspension, however grades will be reduced. The maximum grade that can be earned for such work is 75% of the available points or letter grades of D+. (An exception will be final exams and English term papers which will receive full credit earned.)
Quizzes and tests missed may be made up at the convenience of the teachers. It will be the student’s responsibility to schedule times for making up quizzes and tests with the teachers. All such make-ups must be completed within two attendance days following the students return to school. Grades on such quizzes and tests will be subject to the same grade reduction as other work that was assigned during the student’s suspension. There may be some class participation activities such as specialized labs that cannot be done while being suspended out of school. Students will receive grades of zero (0) for those activities.
It will be the student’s responsibility to get all of the necessary work that was assigned during the suspension and turn it in for credit. The work must be turned in by the beginning of the next regularly scheduled class.
Where are you going. What are your choices Where are you going? What are your choices? Who’s responsible for your choices?
Where will you finish?