10th meeting of the Expert Group on Reporting (24 November 2011) Happy 10th anniversary & congratulations – we achieved a lot! Focus of today’s meeting: Input in the discussion on the future of the Reporting Group & target 1 of biodiversity strategy Progress in technical implementation of data-flows Start up Art.6.4 discussions Further topics: Planning for Work under WP3 in 2012 Overview on European Red List Results
Progress with work-packages Expert Group on Reporting under the Nature Directives Progress with work-packages Work-package Title Progress Further needs WP1 Review of the Art.17 (HD) reporting exercise 2001-2006 Done Technical implementation & testing, Monitoring of progress, dealing with up-coming issues WP2 Align Birds Directive reporting WP3 The evaluation of Natura 2000 impact on conservation status 1st step done (defining data needs) Developing analysis method in 2012 WP4 Revision of Natura 2000 dataflow Technical implementation & testing; manage transition phase WP5 Finalise HaBides (derogation reporting) Maintenance of the tool, raise data quality, exploit data better WP6 Notification of compensatory measures under Art. 6.4 (HD) In progress Work with the help of N2K group WP7 Develop vision for the presentation & access to data Accompany the development of the Biodiversity Data Centre
Provisionally planned next meetings Date Name Organiser, place 2011 24.11.2011 Reporting Group DG ENV, Brussels 1.12.2011 Hands-on training for new Natura 2000 software EEA, Copenhagen 2012 - provisional 22.3.2012 ?? March 2012 Hands on training Art.17/12 tools (2 days) EEA & ETC, Copenhagen 26.4.2012 Habitats Committee 4.10.2012 5.10.2012 ORNIS Committee 22.11.2012