New results on electromagnetic field simulation A. Vorozhtsov 07.11.2008
Field maps and Isochronous field Interpolated from MSRD Bmain +Tosca TC contributions( value of the trim coils current from the table by Goto-san) TC Current 16O7+ -62.68 -27.17 5.68 59.58 33.68 17.63 35.93 85.83 -10.33
New trim coils fitting for radial range R(10-72cm) Initial data: Tosca trim coils contributions Interpolated main field map from the MSRD data Main coil current was changed from 726.11 [A] to 718.46 [A] to minimize the trim coils current Max TC Currents 151.9 303.9 151.8 101.4 200 250 253 364.3 TC currents from table by Goto-san Imain=726.11 A -62.68 -27.17 5.68 59.58 33.68 17.63 35.93 85.83 -10.33 TC currents -131.64 -82.95 18.56 58.31 31.45 20.3 24.77 139.5 -204 OPTIMAL Imain=718.46 A -130.15 -82.49 19.95 60.22 34.33 22.85 31.87 142.68 -5.79
Results for new TC fitting Imain=718.46 [A]
Field bump map Imain=718.46 A 102.77 -82.81 20.48 56.77 33.4 23.35 31.7 146.7 -21.9
Harmonic coils calculations 4 harmonic coils per pole
Harmonic coils contribution [Tesla] Imain=726.11A ,I harm coils=120A