Overview of Steps for Tissue Repair blood escapes from dermal blood vessels, and blood clot soon forms blood clot and dried tissue fluid form a scab protecting the area blood vessels send out branches and fibroblasts migrate into the area fibroblasts produce new connective fibers, scab sloughs off
An abnormal yellow skin tone usually indicates a liver disorder in which excess bile pigments are absorbed into the blood, circulated throughout the body, and deposited in body tissues. Jaundice
Decubitus ulcer Restriction of blood supply to the skin results in cell death, and if severe or prolonged, ulcers. Occur in bedridden patients who are not turned regularly
Bruises Reveal sites where blood has escaped from the circulation and has clotted in the tissue spaces Hematoma: clotted blood mass An unusual tendency to bruising may signify a deficiency of vitamin C in the diet or hemophilia