Middle East Warm Ups
Tuesday, October 14th What is one thing you would like to learn about the Middle East? What is one thing you already know about the Middle East?
Wednesday, October 15th 3. What was the most interesting thing you learned from the “Finding Osama” video? 4. What are the two things most people fight over in the Middle East? (Use notes from yesterday)
Thursday/Friday 5. Which waterway is an important shipping channel for the Persian Gulf? (pg. 69) 6. Disputes over the Gaza Strip continue between Israel and surrounding nation. Why do you think this land is so important? (pg. 69)
Memory Monday 10/20 Most missed questions on the benchmark. 7. What was the purpose of the “Scramble for Africa”? 8. Describe the education in Africa.
Twitter Tuesday 10/21 9. Which two rivers are part of the cradle of ancient civilization? 10. You are traveling to the Middle East! Tweet about which country you are visiting and what you are doing there. Include a #.
Word Wednesday 10/22 11. Define aquifer. 12. Define ground water.
Test Question Thursday 10/23 13. Which man-made structure connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea? 14. Which country is in a continual battle over water rights to the Jordan River?
Fun Fact Friday 10.24 15. What is one thing you found interesting when discussing the environmental issues of the Middle East?
Memory Monday 10.27 16. What is the longest lake in the world? 17. Which country in Africa has a dictator?
Twitter Tuesday 10.28 18. Majority of the people in the Middle East belong to which ethnic group? 19. You are in Saudi Arabia. You are learning about their religion. Tell me an interesting fact and # about the religion and people you encounter.
Word Wednesday 10.29 20. What is the difference between Sunnis and Shias? 21. What does monotheistic mean?
Test Question Thursday 10.30 22. What is the oldest religion in the Middle East? (pg. 85) 23. What is one similarity between Judaism and Islam? (pg. 85)
Friday 24 Tell me one interesting thing you learned about each of the following religions. Judaism- Christianity- Islam-
Memory Monday 11.3 25. What is famine? What are some of the causes of famine in Africa? (pg. 35) 26. What type of economy does Nigeria have? What is their most important industry? (pg.39)
Twitter Tuesday 11/4 27. What was one factor that led to the break-up of the Ottoman Empire? 28. You are a member of the army under Suleiman the Magnificent. Describe your travels and assignments. Include a #.
Word Wednesday 11/5 29. Define Zionism. (pg. 108) 30. Define Anti-Semitism. (pg. 109)
Test Question Thursday 11/6 31. The Ottoman Empire is present day which country? 32. What two countries divided the land after the Ottoman Empire collapsed? What did they want? What did they fail to consider? (pg. 104)
Friday, 11.7 33. Write the following analogies: Christianity: Bible :: Judaism: ________ Jews: Judaism :: Muslims: _________ Youngest religion: Islam :: Oldest religion: _____ Christianity: 10 commandments :: Islam : _____ 34. What was the main idea of “The Wave” video you watched yesterday?
Memory Monday 11.10 35. What are the two main religious groups in Africa? (pg. 22) 36. What type of government is present in Kenya and South Africa? (pg.30)
Twitter Tuesday 11.11 37. In what year was Israel created? Why was it created? (pg. 107) 38. You are a Jewish survivor from the Holocaust. You are to write about the end of the war and your move to Israel.
Word Wednesday 11.12 39. Define Holocaust. (pg. 107) 40. Define concentration camps. (pg. 110)
Test Question Thursday 11.13 Write the sentence with the correct answers. 41. In 1990, Iraq’s dictator, ___________, wanted to control the country of __________ for their oil. (pg. 111) 42. In Afghanistan, the extreme religious group known as the ___________ was rising to power. Their leader was _____________. (pg. 112)
Friday, 11.14 43. Which war did you find the most interesting? Why? Give me two reasons.
Memory Monday 11.17 44. Which ethnic group in Africa believes in animism? (pg. 23) 45. What was the main goal of European countries when they divided Africa?(pg. 55)
Twitter Tuesday 11.18 46. Give me one fact about the following wars: War in Iraq- War in Afghanistan- 47. Pretend you were a member of the Navy Seal Team Six. Describe your mission and any problems you encountered.
Word Wednesday 11.19 48. Define the Taliban. (pg. 112) 49. Define Al Qaeda. (pg. 112)
Friday 11.21 50. What is one thing you plan to do over Thanksgiving break?
Memory Monday 12/1 51. Much of the world’s oil is shipped through this narrow waterway. (pg. 68-69) 52. What is the body of water between northeast Africa and Asia? (pg. 68-69)
Twitter Tuesday 12/2 53. List the following governments with the country: Israel: Iran: Saudi Arabia: 54. In 2005, you were allowed to vote for the first time in Iraq. Write about your experience and include a #.
Word Wednesday 12/3 55. Define theocracy and include a symbol for you to remember. (pg. 89) 56. Define private enterprise. (pg. 92)
Test Question Thursday 12/4 57. Which nation do many Arab countries deny the existence of? Why? 58. Who attacked the U.S. on 9/11? Why did he attack?
Friday 12/5 59. What type of economy does Saudi Arabia have? What is their important industry? (pg. 92-93) 60. What type of job do most Israeli’s perform? (pg. 91)