The Battle of Hong Kong After the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, they attacked Hong Kong (British Colony) Many knew that Hong Kong was impossible.


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Presentation transcript:

The Battle of Hong Kong After the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, they attacked Hong Kong (British Colony) Many knew that Hong Kong was impossible to defend. More than 1,900 Canadians volunteered to defend Hong Kong. More than 550 Canadians were killed. The rest were taken prisoner by the Japanese.

The Canadians defend Hong Kong in 1941

Canadian P.O.W.

(Hong Kong Veterans of today) Surviving Hong Kong Veterans, at the 15th unveiling of Hong Kong Memorial Wall August 2009

The Japanese Canadian Internment (1942)

During the Second World War, 22,000 Japanese Canadians were expelled from within a hundred miles of the Pacific. Thousands were detained, and at the end of the war, "repatriation" to Japan was encouraged. 4,000 people left, two thirds of them Canadian citizens.

Japanese internment camp in British Columbia during WWII

Dieppe The steep cliffs and Beach at Dieppe, France

German soldiers round up Allied prisoners following the Dieppe Raid German soldiers round up Allied prisoners following the Dieppe Raid.. 1, 874 Canadians were captured during and after the assault

Dieppe Why was Dieppe a Disaster? Was there anything gained from this military disaster? Did Dieppe make D-Day a success?

Dieppe Of the 5,000 Canadians who stormed the beaches at Dieppe, France: 907 Killed, 3,367 casualties 1,946 soldiers were taken prisoner. In a word, Dieppe was a disaster Of nearly 5,000 Canadians sent to Dieppe, less than 2,000 returned. Churchill Tank never made it off the beach

The Italian Campaign Canadian Forces Landed with American and British Forces at Sicily and moved Northward towards Ortona, Italy

The Battle of Ortona Churchill wants to attack the soft underbelly of Europe In 1943, American, Canadian and British forces landed on the Italian Island of Sicily. Canadian Troops moved North eventually making it to Italian city of Ortona where they met heavy German resistance. The Canadians fought well at Ortona for a month and the German’s withdrew. However, it was at a great cost: 502 dead and 1,873 wounded. In Italy, 6,000 Canadians died The Allies took Rome on June 4th, 1944 and kept fighting in Italy until the spring of 1945

The Battle of Ortona Street Warfare: Typical “Guerilla” type battle conditions during the Battle of Ortona

D-Day D-Day was launched on June 6th, 1944 5,000 ships crossed the English Channel 107,000 troops stormed the beaches at Normandy, France. 30,000 Canadian troops landed at Normandy at Juno Beach. 110 Canadian warships took part Troops Landing at Normandy, France

D-Day Canadian Troops were the left flank of the coordinated Allied attack at Normandy. After securing the beachhead, Canadian troops advanced eastward and were eventually successful in attacking Belgium and liberating Holland (The Netherlands) in the Spring of 1945. Landing at D-Day