NLR Technical BoF: NLR PacketNet Brent Sweeny Jon-Paul Herron Madison Joint Techs 17 July 2006
Layer3 “PacketNet” Review architecture, connection methods Current status Members Peer networks Institutions connecting through members ‘Advanced technologies’ User-influenced policies
Typical Member Connection
Routed IP Service Production-quality, no explicit SLA AUP-free no prefix size limit (/32s accepted) Still use prefix-lists or AS-path lists for case of misconfiguration
Local Prefs Member default: Others: primary 10G: 500 backup 1G: 450 community-driven: 200, 400, 500, or 600 Others: peers: 300
Communities “Type” Communities (set by NLR) Other Communities (set by member) Blackhole Local Pref setting AS-prepend “do not send to...” members-only See communities page at
PacketNet Services Jumbo frames (9000 IP MTU) IPv4 IPv6 Unicast Multicast (MSDP, PIM, MBGP NLRI) IPv6 Address allocations available if needed Multicast (PIM, MBGP, Embedded RP)
Services (basic and advanced) What are members actually doing? See
Coming… VRFs—’closed groups’ for routing Other services? Commodity is being discussed Others?