CSE 115 & CSE 503 Introduction to Computer Science I Introduction to Computer Science for Non-Majors I
Today's Plan Introductions Website Syllabus Preview
Today's Plan Introductions Website Syllabus Preview Start with introductions
…and 19 Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (UTAs)! Introductions (Matthew actively dislikes being called "Dr.". "Prof. Hertz" is fine, but "Matthew" is better. Dr. Winikus prefers being called Dr. Winikus.) Dr. Matthew Hertz 352 Davis Hall mhertz@buffalo.edu Dr. Jenn Winikus 351 Davis Hall jwinikus@buffalo.edu …and 19 Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (UTAs)!
Today's Plan Introductions Website Syllabus Preview
Today's Plan Introductions Website Syllabus Preview
Today's Plan Introductions Website Syllabus Preview
Intro. to Computer Science I Name of Class is… Intro. to Computer Science I
Computer science inot the study of programming What are We Studying? Computer science inot the study of programming
Computer science study of solving problems What are We Studying? Computer science study of solving problems Specifically, solving problems using software
Computer engineering study of solving problems What are We Studying? Computer engineering study of solving problems Specifically, the solving of problems using hardware This is also a key concept applicable to many other domains from business to art and beyond.
"Programming is a way that we create […] solutions" What are We Studying? "Programming is a way that we create […] solutions" Quote from Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python by Brad Miller and David Ranum. Available at: https://interactivepython.org/runestone/static/pythonds/Introduction/WhatIsProgramming.html
Slides & videos posted, but… YOUR notes always better Learning is active Slides & videos posted, but… YOUR notes always better
Slides & videos posted, but… YOUR notes always better Learning is active Slides & videos posted, but… YOUR notes always better
Ungraded labs next week Preview No labs this week Ungraded labs next week Complete TopHat registration In-class questions starting next lecture Questions graded starting next Wednesday (2/6) Wednesday: Our first bit of Python!