PN Counting from Raw Exhaust via Fixed Dilution and PMP Round Robin Project JRC and ACEA
Current status Interest in this approach confirmed by some engine manufacturers and some instrument manufacturers 01 Series of amendments to Reg. 132 already includes such possibility but the procedure is not defined First analysis of potential benefits/issues presented during the last meetings Correlation with other methods (CVS and partial flow system) and advantages/disadvantages to be checked – Additional data required
Current status Experimental program (Ricardo 37th PMP meeting) Primary dilution (cold / hot) Losses (thermophoresis, agglomeration) Volatile removal efficiency (CS or ET) Pressure effects Time alignment Interested parties are expected to generate data to be then discussed within the PMP group Limited number of tests from JRC from PN-PEMS for HD program
Testing program Raw exhaust sampling Uncertainty vs CVS or PFDS Robustness of systems Technical specifications Equations Sub-23 nm
Testing program Commercial systems should be the base Starting technical requirements from PFDS/PMP or PN-PEMS (eg distance to tailpipe etc) Equations PN-PEMS (+uncertainty estimation) CNG, DPF regenerations, high bio-fuels Crankcase emissions connected to tailpipe Instruments will be calibrated (especially 10 nm CPCs)
Scenario 1* Evaluation testing at OEMs with JRC equipment in 2018 to address open issues Feasibility decision and final technical specifications Round Robin with Golden instrument(s) at tailpipe to evaluate repeatability and reproducibility of raw exhaust method with fixed dilution (no engine to circulate) *assuming no availability of LD Golden instruments
Detailed evaluation program (OEM 1) Instruments (minimum, in green provided by JRC) PMP at CVS or PFDS (+10 nm JRC) PMP at tailpipe (+10 nm JRC) CS at tailpipe (JRC?) (+10nm JRC) Daily protocol WHTC cold, WHTC hot, WHSC, high temperature cycle, “pressure cycle”, WHTC hot High temperature and pressure cycles could be short
Engine 1 (week one) All 3 systems at the same sampling location (more repetitions necessary) Systems 2 and 3 at tailpipe with PCRF high Systems 2 and 3 at tailpipe with PCRF low System 2 with longer sampling line System 2 with different temperature at the sampling line or “pre-diluter” (if applicable) Engine 2 (week two) As above. The engine should be different technology or different aftertreatment concept or concentration levels. Or different fuel. Or different engine capacity
Detailed evaluation program (OEM 2) Instruments as OEM 1 Daily protocol as OEM 1 Engine 1 (week one) If OEM 1 used PFDS, CVS should be used. Engine 2 (week two ) desirable Final protocol decision after OEM 1 or OEM 2 OEM 3: 2-3 days confirmation testing OEM 4: as above OEM 5: as above…