Differentiation by Gender Bysola Abisola, Emisola andsola Geosola
Liberal feminists Blame gender inequality on discrimination and stereotypes. J.S Mill and Harriet Taylor were influenced by the political liberalism ideas specifically: Equal rights, individualism and liberty. They suggest once equal rights have been established ‘accidents of birth’ like sex will become irrelevant in society. Liberal feminists believe in campaigning to change laws which promote equal opportunity. Such as modern anti-discrimination such as the Sex Discrimination Act (1975). They also believe in changing attitudes and overcoming prejudice about the roles of men and women. Liberal feminists say sexism harms everyone, men as well as women.
Radical Feminists They say there is conflict between all men and all women. The patriarchy theory is favoured and they say society runs the interests of male power. Men take most of society’s rewards and privileges for themselves, men are the ruling class and women are oppressed. They argue that men use their control of culture to create the belief that gender inequality and patriarchy are natural. Radical feminists want to free women from what they see patriarchal control, some radical feminists put forward the idea of separlism. Sherry B Ortner says women give birth as they’re seen as closer to nature and further from culture than men. Therefore seen as inferior in society.
Marxists feminists They blame gender inequality on capitalism as well as patriarchy. They say that gender inequality can be understood in a social and economic context. This perspective, it suits capitalism that women are exploited by men on many levels. They say that capitalism exploites women’s work in three ways: - Employers treat women as reserve army of labour. Tend to be hired and fired when needed. - Male workers try to exclude females from their trades and crafts. - Husbands exploite their wives unpaid housework. See the bourgeoisie family as patriarchal and unequal in the capitalist society. It’s set up as men in order to pass property from Fathers to Sons. Women are seen as working for the benefit of this system rather than for their own benefits. Without private property there would be no need to do this. They think that to end gender inequalities, capitalism needs to end through socialist revolution.