Using only these digits … Equivalent fractions N2.1 Core Starter Using only these digits … … make as many fractions as you can which have a value equivalent to a half. Use each digit only once in each fraction. For example, Preamble This activity is a recap of work on equivalent fractions which encourages/forces systematic working. Some pupils may benefit from using the actual digit cards. One way of working would be to set a time limit of say 3 minutes for individuals to find as many equivalent fractions as they can (a target could possibly be given), followed by a whole-class session where answers can be collected. Depending on the group, discussion of when fractions are equivalent, how we know we have ½ and what that means might prove a fruitful activity. Given sufficient time the activity may be extended into generating more challenging equivalent fractions. With this in mind, the setting of rigid time limits would be useful. Possible content Recognising and generating equivalent fractions. Resources Possibly digit cards. Solution/Notes There are numerous solutions, including Original Material © Cambridge University Press 2009 Original Material © Cambridge University Press 2009