English Language Arts Mission & Vision All Mustangs Will… Ms. Jarrett Lake Olympia Middle School 2018-2019 English Language Arts “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” -Martin Luther King, Jr. Mission & Vision Students, staff, and parents at LOMS are collectively committed to inspiring academic achievement and productive citizens through our LEAD philosophy. All Mustangs Will… Learn to become productive life-long learners Empower themselves and others. Achieve academic success. Dream of futures beyond imagination. “Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self- confidence.” --Robert Frost State Adopted Text: Elements of Literature: Grade 7, Holt McDougal Course Description Course Description: Students enrolled in English 7 and 8 continue to increase and refine their reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and representing communication skills. Students write in a variety of forms and edit their papers for clarity, engaging academic language, and the correct use of the conventions and mechanics of written English, producing final, error-free drafts. An emphasis is placed on organizing logical arguments with clearly expressed related definitions, theses, and using evidence. Students write to persuade, report, and describe. Where do I go to find agendas and assignments? 1. Each class’s “Daily Record” (learning intention, success criteria, agenda, homework) and “Do Now” will be posted on the board when students arrive each day. The expectation is that students will write down agenda and homework in their ISN (Interactive Student Notebook). Where should I turn in my assignments? Black Bin: All work that is not in your ISN should be turned in to the black bin on the PINK bookshelf. Never hand the teacher your work unless instructed to do so. *Late Slip: attach this for late OR absent work. Follow the directions, fill out the slip completely, and staple to your work before placing it in the correct bin. Work placed in the wrong basket may be subject to a grade reduction. What happens if I turn in an assignment late? FBISD Late Policy: 10% off each day for 3 days. On the 4th day, you will receive an F (50%)--this is MUCH better than a 0. Homework: you can expect homework if you do not complete certain assignments in class. Late homework will receive 50% credit when the ISN is graded. Nia.jarrett@fortbendisd.com (281) 634-3520
Consequences for not following procedures: Ms. Jarrett Lake Olympia Middle School 2018-2019 How will I check my grade? Grade Scale Grades are available on Skyward for parents and students to log into. Grades will be updated within a week of turning it in (usually for written assignments). A = 100% - 90% B = 89%-80% C = 79%-70% F = 69% - 0% What if I’m absent? Copy the Agenda and Homework from another student for the day(s) missed Check Schoology for lessons or missed handouts. Ask Ms. Jarrett for a handout by name, “What did I miss?” is not acceptable. Turn in late work to the black bin with the LATE SLIP attached > 1 day absent = 1 extra day to turn in work UNLESS the due date was announced before your absence began, such as a project or test. Grade Breakdown Summative Assessments = 50% (tests, process writing, research projects, novel assessments, etc.) Formative Assessments = 50% (classwork, homework, quizzes, participation, etc.) What if I bomb a test? Retests are available for any student who fails a test. You will need to attend tutorials or announced “Reteach” opportunities with any ELA 7 or 8 teacher, study, and then retest during the designated before—school tutorial time or after school by appointment. The highest grade on a retest is 75%. NO NAME? No grade will be given for work turned in without a name. The student may resubmit the assignment with a late penalty. Tutorial Times Wednesday: 7:45-8:20 _____________: 4:20-5:00 Consequences for not following procedures: Schoology In an effort to stay better connected to students outside the classroom, my classes will have Schoology pages where students may access handouts, videos, and notes whenever they need to revisit a lesson. If a student needs to reach me after school hours, he/she should email me. 1. Warning (verbal or nonverbal) 2. Conference with Student, Level 1 documentation 3. Parent Contact, Level 1 documentation 3. Teacher detention, Level 1 documentation 4. Referral to Administration Contact Info. Schoology: I will use it quite a bit, so come to tutorials if you need help with it! Email: nia. jarrett@fortbendisd.com. Please include your name in the title of the email. Supplies Lined paper Pens/ pencils/ highlighters 3-subject notebook Multiple GLUE STICKS! 1 pack (100) 3x5” notecards nia.jarrett@fortbendisd.com (281) 634-3520