Section 9 Members subjected to Combined Forces (Beam-Columns)
SECTION 9 MEMBER SUBJECTED TO IS 800: 2007 SECTION 9 MEMBER SUBJECTED TO COMBINED FORCES 9.1 General 9.2 Combined Shear and Bending 9.3 Combined Axial Force and Bending Moment 9.3.1 Section Strength 9.3.2 Overall Member Strength
9.2 Combined Shear and Bending Secondary effects on beam behaviour Elastic Bending stress Elastic Shear stress Plastic range a b c
9.2 Combined Shear and Bending Sections subjected to HIGH shear force > 0.6 Vd a) Plastic or Compact Section b) Semi-compact Section Mfd = plastic design strength of the area of c/s excluding the shear area and considering partial safety factor V = factored applied shear force; Vd = design shear strength
9.3 Combined Axial Force and Bending Moment DESIGN OF BEAM COLUMNS INTRODUCTION SHORT & LONG BEAM-COLUMNS Modes of failure Ultimate strength BIAXIALLY BENT BEAM-COLUMNS DESIGN STRENGTH EQUATIONS Local Section Flexural Yielding Overall Member Flexural Buckling STEPS IN ANALYSING BEAM-COLUMNS SUMMARY
Occurrence of Beam Columns INTRODUCTION Occurrence of Beam Columns Eccentric Compression Joint Moments in Braced Frames Rigid Sway Moments in Unbraced Frames Biaxial Moments in Corner Columns of Frames x y z
Py = Ag*fy Mp = Zp*fy SHORT BEAM-COLUMNS = Py Axial compression MP Bending moment Fc M Combined compression and bending, P & M fy + M P Py = Ag*fy Mp = Zp*fy
P/Py + M/Mp 1.0 (conservative) SHORT BEAM-COLUMNS O 1.0 Mo/Mp Mmax/Mp M/Mp Short column loading curve Pcl /Py P0/Py P/Py M / MP 1.0 P / Py + 0.85 M / MP 1.0 P/Py + M/Mp 1.0 (conservative) Failure envelope 1.0 M = P e
Non – Sway Frame LONG BEAM COLUMNS Mmax = Mo + P M0 P * 0 Linear Non-Linear Mmax = Mo + P
LONG BEAM-COLUMNS Sway Frames 0 M0 M M = Mo + P
Cm accounts for moment gradient effects LONG BEAM-COLUMNS M0 0.5 0.8 P/Pcr = 0.0 1.0 O P . Pcr M0/MP= 0.0 A 0.1 B Cm accounts for moment gradient effects
Failure Envelope LONG BEAM-COLUMNS 1.0 Fc/Pcs 1.0 M / MP Short column Long columns loading curve Short column Fcl /Pcs F0/Pcs Fc/Pcs Eqn. 3 1.0 Failure Envelope 1.0 Mo/Mp Mmax/Mp M / MP
SLENDER BEAM-COLUMNS Modified Strength Curves for Linear Analysis Uniaxial Bending A 1.0 Major axis bending Mx/Mpx Fc/Pcs Fcl/Pcs After correction for (P-) effect Short column failure envelope After correcting for sway and bow (P- and P-) After correction for (P-) effect Fc/Pcs Fcl/Pcs My/Mpy Short column failure envelope After correcting for sway and bow (P- and P-) 1.0 P* P* Minor axis bending
BEAM-COLUMNS / BIAXIAL BENDING Fcl/Pcs My/ Mpy Mx/Mpx Fig. 8 beam-columns under Biaxial Bending /r = 0 /r increases
IS 800: 2007 9.3 Combined Axial Force and Bending Moment 9.3.1 Section Strength Plastic and Compact Sections Semi-compact section fx. fy /m0 9.3.2 Overall Member Strength Bending and Axial Tension Md Bending and Axial Compression Cmy, Cmz = equivalent uniform moment factor as per table 18 Also CmLT
STEPS IN BEAM-COLUMN ANALYSIS Calculate section properties Evaluate the type of section Check using interaction equation for section yielding Check using interction equation for overall buckling Beam-Column Design using equivalent axial load
SUMMARY Short Beam-Columns Fail by Section Plastification Slender Beam-Columns may Fail By Section Plstification Overall Flexural Yielding Overall Torsional-Flexural Buckling Intetaction Eqs. Conservatively Consider P- and P- Effects Advanced Analysis Methods Account for P- and P- Effects, directly & more accuraely