Freedom Week Or Day
Where did the idea of freedom come from? Thomas Paine - Common sense - Idea that citizens should make laws, not kings or queens Mayflower Compact - Social Contract among colonist - For the good of the colony Magna Carta - protection of church rights, wrongful imprisonment, and a swift and fair trial.
Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776 Thomas Jefferson- Author Formally announced the colonies break from Great Britain Life, Liberty, The Pursuit of Happiness Accused of King George III of passing unfair laws, and interfering with colonial government Break was lead by the Enlightenment ideal of the social contract. eyKkjhcY2dykaZSWXlyJkgGQUotiKAA
United States Constitution June 21,1788 Supreme Law of the land in the United States Broken down into 3 parts - Preamble - Articles - Amendments (27 in total) a. Bill of Rights
Preamble serves as an introductory statement of the document's fundamental purposes and guiding principles.
Articles First Three (1,2,3) -Separation of powers Second Three (4,5,6) - Cocepts of Federalism, and state government Article Seven (7) - Procedures for the states to ratify
Bill of Rights First 10 Amendments to the Constitution Came from documents in history: - English Bill of Rights - Magna Carta - Virginia Declaration of Rights
Declaration assignment You are going to write me a declaration of your life in things you would want someone to know if you were in charge. - rules - laws - personal preference You will make three declarations Sign your name at the bottom.
Example. Thee Declaration of Brady McCoy I declare on this great day that on the day of opening day of baseball season should be observed as a national holiday. No school or occupation shall be observed on thy said date. In other declarations the dress code for educators shall now include the wearing of Crocs. It is highly encouraged to wear crocs as a form of formal dress inside the classroom. Lastly this declaration shall include a mandatory period that is designed for the purpose of snacking. This assigned snack time shall be 30 minutes long as shall be observed in correlation with the median of the time between start of the day and thy given lunch period. In Declaration of: Sign name at bottom