MOBILITY Important issue on the DG-agenda since 1995 Object: Facilitate free movement of public sector workers Remove obstacles
MOBILITY Creation of the Mobility-Group in 1995 Study legal and practical aspects of mobility Reports 2000 + 2001 + progress reports Nationality condition Conditions of access to the public sector Recognition of diplomas Recognition of professional experience and senioriy
Creating the NCP-network In 1998 the Mobility-Group suggested the creation of the network Determination of tasks finalised during Belgian Presidency 2001 Determination of procedural guidelines finalised during Danish Presidency 2002 Start-up meeting in December 2002
Tasks of the NCP-network Constitute a forum of discussion and sharing of experiences Answering to requests of national administrations Provide information concerning mobility Referral to publications and web-sites etc. Referral to relevant administrations Provide information on exchange programmes
Procedural guidelines etc. Secure relevant knowledge on mobility The NCP’s The national administrations Ad hoc meetings of the NCP-network Use of different work methods, e.g. e-mail, CIRCA Each NCP responsible for providing information to the network, e.g. on amended legislation Step-by-step procedure in case of questions from national administrations
Important documents for NCPs ”Mobility between the Public Sectors in the European Union – a collection of information and guidelines” (Nov. 2002) Mobility of public sector workers - Obstacles and guidelines Description of the NCP-network – tasks, procedural guidelines, evaluation Reports on mobility ECJ-judgements The Commission’s Communication on free movement of workers (Dec. 2002)
Conclusions from Start-up meeting December 2002 Face-to-face meetings only on ad hoc-basis Communication primarily through ICT (up-dated e-mail list necessary) Creation of a special section on CIRCA The network works at administrative level only (not directly accessible for the citizens) Each NCP responsible for dissemination of relevant information within the network Elaboration of a glossary in English