Living Donor Committee Fall 2014
Recent Public Comment Proposals Reporting of aborted living donor recovery procedures Informed consent requirements Psychosocial and medical evaluation requirements Board review – November 2014 no substantive changes post public comment The proposal would require recovery programs to report aborted living donor recovery procedures through the Improving Patient Safety Portal within 72 hours of the event The informed consent proposal would establish minimum informed consent requirements for living liver, pancreas, lung and intestine donors. The psychosocial and medical evaluation proposal would establish minimum requirements for living liver, pancreas, lung and intestine donors -
New Policies Effective September 1, 2014 Register all living donor candidates through Waitlistsm before transplant New living liver donor follow-up requirements Under recently approved policies, all candidates for living donor organ transplants must be registered on the Waitlist before they are transplanted. Transplant hospitals will need to achieve minimum thresholds for living donor follow-up for all living liver donors who donate after 9/1/14. The new minimum required thresholds are based on recommendations from a Joint Societies Workgroup consisting of members from AST, ASTS and NATCO. The new required thresholds were first reported in the policy notice distributed one month after Board approval.
Ongoing Committee Initiatives Living kidney donor follow-up policy (February 2013) ~75% of members meet requirements Letters to programs containing the status of their follow-up data New requirements for living kidney donor follow-up became effective as of 2/1/13. Now, approximately 75% of living kidney donor programs are meeting or exceeding the minimum requirements. In each of the past several years, the Living Donor Committee has coordinated sending letters to each living donor program reporting the status of their follow-up. The Committee is planning to send a similar letter to each living donor program this fall.
New Committee Initiatives Domino donation policy --Spring 2015 public comment Living donor organ transport requirements --Fall 2015 public comment The Living Donor Committee is coordinating efforts with the Liver and Operations and Safety Committees to propose new policy to address domino liver donation. The Committee consulted programs experienced with domino donation during the development of the proposed new policy requirements. As currently envisioned, any new policy requirements for domino donors would be would based on the proposed living liver donor informed consent and medical evaluation policies that were distributed for public comment in spring 2014 and which should be considered by the Board in November 2014. Proposed new requirement for domino donors would be limited to elements required to protect the domino donor organ recipient. The Liver, Thoracic and Operations and Safety Committees have been asked to review the draft policy language during their fall meetings and prior to the spring public comment period. The Living Donor Committee is working with the OPO and Operations and Safety Committees to consider new minimum requirements for transporting living donor organs.
Questions? Mary Amanda Dew, PhD Committee Chair Regional Rep name (RA will complete) Region X Representative email address Lee Bolton Committee Liaison