Celebrities and Charity
Fame What is fame? What do the words “Famous people” mean? Who is a celebrity? Whom can we call a celebrity?
Celebrities Who are these people? Do they do the charity work? What other stars do you know who do the charity work?
UNICEF What is a full name of this organization? Which famous people in your country would be good as UN Goodwill Ambassadors? How are these people chosen? What kind of job do they do?
Do you know this woman? Could she work in the UNICEF? What kind of work does she do?
This girl is our former pupil. She is seriously ill. How can we help her?
Solve the Problem П You are committee members who are to choose five people to work in the UNICEF. All the members have to promote children’s rights, especially poor and sick ones. There are 7 candidates. A singer, 27 years, unmarried. A film star, a 43 year old man, a bachelor. A famous painter. His pictures are sold all over the world. Homosexual. An elderly poetess, very kind, has her own children and grandchildren. A businessman, very rich, divorced. The only child lives in the USA.