Shellfish breeding & Hatchery Management Cultivable shellfishes of India: Crustaceans Shrimps (Penaeids) Prawns (Palemonids) Crabs (Brachyurans) Lobsters (Palinurids) Molluscs Oysters (Edible & Pearl oyster) Clams Echonoderms Holothurians
Shellfish breeding & Hatchery Management Need for seed production: Naturally available seeds are not sufficient Breeding seasons are limited to a particular period Monsoon failures will prevent natural breeding Quality seeds are required for high production Survival is very low in natural conditions Genetic qualities need to be preserved An income generating activity Scope for self-employment Higher production and revenue for the country Further development possible through seed production
Shellfish breeding & Hatchery Management Important areas that can be worked in this are, Broodstock collection and transportation Captive broodstock development Broodstock nutrition and maturation diets Induced maturation and captive spawning Genetic improvement through selective breeding and hybridization Larval nutrition and management Disease management and vaccination Development of new varieties