Moving Bass Lines and ¾ picking Mr. Bojangles Moving Bass Lines and ¾ picking
C/C C/B Bass notes are indicated by the notes after the slashes. Work first on just the 1st 4 chords, play them over and over again until they just flow from you fingers. For the F chord do a 1st position with a barre chord if you can. That will give the song a very full feeling. 1 1 2 2 3 X 0 0 0 0 C/G C/A 1 1 2 2 3 0 0 0 0
Work on just getting it perfect to this point Work on just getting it perfect to this point. Think of the names of the notes. At this point you have the C, B and A on the 5th string and the G and F on the 6th string. Really think of these notes as you play this!!!!!!!
E7/B Am/G 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 0 0 0 X D7/F# 1 3 2 Note for this chord you can also use your thumb on the 6th string 2nd fret!! 0 0
Now just work on the chords by themselves until you can do them perfectly.
Now add in the bass notes. Do “Bass, Chord, Chord” Now add in the bass notes. Do “Bass, Chord, Chord”. Be sure to do the bass note indicated. The bass note will be the root of the chord or in the case of a ‘/’ it will be the letter name of the note after the slash!! This should help you with learning the names of the notes on the 5th and 6th strings.
Fingerpicking Do the following: Beat Play Thumb hits the bass note. & Index plays the 3rd string. Middle hits the 2nd string and ring the 1st string together. (claw) Middle hits the 2nd string and ring the 1st string together. Note that this swings a bit so it isn’t exactly as counted but more as felt!!
C/C C/B Now apply the fingerpicking to the first 4 chords. Get those down first before application to the rest of the songs. Once you can do that add in the next chords. 1 1 2 2 3 X 0 0 0 0 C/G C/A 1 1 2 2 3 0 0 0 0
Now up to the 1st section. Get this down before going on.
Now the whole song. Break it into parts but apply the picking etc.
Get this down perfectly! There are 100’s of songs that use this first section idea. See if you can find some this week as you listen.
For those that want to challenge themselves For those that want to challenge themselves. I have added in Chet Atkins version. Above is just the intro.
Now put all of that together It has the same swing idea as the previous picking. The melody is in there if you listen closely. Try to bring the melody out. The 2 notes that should be the loudest are the bass and the melody note.