Mutiply and Divide I can recall some multiplication


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Presentation transcript:

Mutiply and Divide I can recall some multiplication I can use concrete materials/arrays/100 square to investigate a complete multiplication square and how it is constructed. I can record my understanding and recall of multiplication facts on a multiplication square. I can recall some multiplication facts from memory without having to go through the whole table.

I can explain what happens to a number when I multiply by zero or one. I can explain what happens when I multiply or divide a number by 10. I can use arrays or grids to investigate the factors and multiples of a whole number. I can use arrays or grids to explore how to break up and multiply the parts (factors) to make multiplication easier. e.g.15 x 6 = 10 x 6 + 5 x 6.

I can use materials or diagrams to model linked multiply and division problems. I can use materials or diagrams to explain why the answer to a division is a fraction of the whole. I can use my knowledge of division to find a fraction of a whole. I can use materials or diagrams to help solve division problems where the answer is a fraction.

I can use arrays to represent grouping and sharing problems. I can use part-part-whole diagrams to represent sharing and grouping problems. I can write a number sentence to match a sharing or grouping problem and say what the numbers represent. I can use an array or grid to explain how to split a multiplication.

I can use jottings to explain my array calculation and can compare different ways of doing this. I can use diagrams to represent multiply and divide problems to help me decide how to solve them. I can write a number sentence to represent grouping and sharing problems beyond my tables knowledge. I can say which parts of a situation the numbers in my calculation represent.

I can use different expressions to talk about multiply and divide. I can use my knowledge of the relationship between multiplication and division to rearrange my number sentence to make calculations easier. I can use what I know about operations to make a prediction about the solution to problems involving fractions or decimals. I can use different expressions to talk about multiply and divide. I can use factors to make a calculation easier. E.g. 3 x 18 = 3x3x6= 9x6

I can use multiplying by 100 to help multiply by 50. e. g I can use multiplying by 100 to help multiply by 50. e.g. 50 x 72 = 100 x 36 I can use place value partitions to help multiply. Eg 6 x 25 = 6 x 20 + 6 x 5 I can round and adjust to help multiply. Eg 99 x 6 is 100 x 6 – 6. I can multiply and divide whole numbers and decimal fractions by 10, 100 and 1 000.