Insurance IFRS Seminar December 2, 2016 Session 37 Professionalism Insurance IFRS Seminar December 2, 2016 Session 37
Background More chances of misunderstandings and real or perceived ability to manipulate the results Greater complexity in the calculations Systems and models Understanding and explanations Greater impact of assumptions, including those that aren’t observed on the results Less predictability (at least initially) of the results Key transition provisions that can affect results for years to come Actuarial standards of practice may be lagging these issues
Scenario 1 Communication of results to senior management Ask yourself: How well does senior management currently understand the profit emergence and volatility of current reporting? How easy will it be for senior management to understand these changes? What will be your requirement to communicate these to senior management?
Scenario 2 Pressure on assumption setting When would you be influenced by senior management to revise certain assumptions? Never Possibly where they are not observable and they may have a better view than me Possibly where they are not observable and they pay my salary Everything should be arrived as a consensus They are really the assumptions of senior management so it is their decision
Scenario 3 Systems and models You don’t have appropriate models to performed the new calculations and there is no budget to build or buy these models. What do you do? Refuse to do the calculations until Management commits to buy or build the new models Come up with your best approximation of the correct results and disclose all the potential short cuts Come up with an approximation that includes a margin in case there are errors in your models
Scenario 4 Disclosures Disclosure requirements will be much greater than they once were How do you balance satisfying the requirements and not sharing trade secrets or proprietary information? What do you do if the disclosure requirements appears to require sharing such secrets?
Scenario 5 Hypothetical cutting corners dilemma Assume you scoped a systems implementation, received approval for the budget, and began implementation. You now realize that the system as designed will not meet your needs. What do you do? Think about short cuts you may be able to implement to meet the requirements but stay within budget and don’t communicate to senior management that they system will have these shortcuts/shortcomings Do so and communicate to senior management that your original scoping was flawed Seek additional funds to complete the project appropriately
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