Marking Period 4 Project PowerPoint Presentation
The First Slide This slide must include the title of the book, author and genre! Please include your full name as well!
Author Information Slide Include a slide detailing information about the author of your book. You will probably have to do some research to get this information.
Character Description Slides There should be a minimum of 3 slides. Detailed character description of 3-5 characters from your book. Include internal and external characteristics.
Setting Slide Include a slide detailing the time and place of your chosen book.
Main Problem/Conflict This slide will explain the problem/conflict that affects the main character. This is the whole “gist” of the book. Do NOT explain how it is resolved in this slide.
Important Events Slides You will have a minimum of 5 slides. You will explain at least 5 main events that take place in you book. These are IMPORTANT events. Basically, this is a summary using key points. They must be in chronological order.
Main Problem/Conflict Solution This is the slide where you explain ho the conflict/problem is resolved. Be sure to define the type of conflict. Also, add in any information about unresolved conflicts.
What did the character learn? You will explain what lesson the character learned in the book. Think about the conflict and the resolution. What did the character learn from his/her experience?
Book Recommendation Think about why people would enjoy reading this book. Write a short recommendation If you do not want to recommend the book, please explain why.
Extra Slides You may add any extra slides/information that you wish. Be creative!
Pictures/Sound/Animation You must have pictures, a background and animation on your slides. Sound is optional. Make the presentation interesting. Be creative but don’t go overboard!
Presentation You will be presenting this slide show to your class. Know your book and your slides so that you can confidently talk about your book. Do NOT just read the information off your slides! E-mail the presentation as an attachment with your full name in the subject line.
Due Date Final Draft due June 7 Presentations begin on June 8 10 points off for each day it is late Please send your project to me via e-mail or bring in a flash drive!
Grading You will be graded on the following Content: Required number and type of slides Punctuation/Spelling/Mechanics Creativity/Originality Presentation: You should know your book well enough to TEACH your presentation to us!