Unit 7: Causes of WWII Failure of Collective Security
League of Nations Concept of collective security Membership Steps to resolution Tools for action
Problems with League MANY Tools for action Effectiveness of Enforcement Key issue
Countries’ League “Membership” United States USSR Germany Austria/Hungary
Peacekeeping in 1920s Aaland Islands Vilna Bulgaria Some success-why?
Attempts to Strengthen League Treaty of Mutual Assistance Geneva Protocol of 1924 Ruhr Crisis Dawes Plan League…..
End of 1920s League situation Rapallo Treaty Locarno Conference Locarno Spirt vs. French Strategy Kellogg-Briand Pact
1930s and Collective Security Everything's changed… Depression World Economy “Old-Style Diplomacy”
Manchuria Dispute Japan situation Mukden China…HELP League Investigation Japan response
Impact of Crisis Great Depression Threat of military action Failure of League-why? Japan Effect on other leaders
Abyssinia Crisis Mussolini Aggressive Attack Response by League Britain & France Hoare-Laval Pact Effect of sanctions
Impact of Abyssinia Disaster! True power of League Italy Hitler thinking Future of League
Failures of Disarmament Washington Conference (1921- 1922) London Naval Conference (1930) London Naval Treaty (1936) Geneva Disarmament Conference (1932-1934) Reality of failures of League