Tuesday September 26, 2017 (Continue Discovery Education Unit - Exploring Our Solar System, Concept – Characteristics of our Universe)
The Launch Pad Tuesday, 9/26/17 Describe what the following pictures illustrate: a protoplanetary (accretion) disk
Remediation for Quiz 3 runs through Friday at 5:00 PM! Announcements Remediation for Quiz 3 runs through Friday at 5:00 PM!
F9 S3 F1 QUIZ 3 Friday 9/19 9/22 5:00 PM 9/25 Last Day Accepted Assignment Currently Open Summative or Formative # Date Issued Gone Missing Day Last Day Accepted eResearch Paper – Star Stages F9 9/19 Yesterday Tomorrow QUIZ 3 S3 9/22 Friday 5:00 PM Science TechBook Unit – Exploring Our Solar System, Concept – Characteristics of Our Solar System F1 9/25 Concept Completion Date: 9/27
Continue Discovery Education Unit Unit: Exploring Our Solar System Concept: Characteristics of Our Solar System Go to www.discoveryeducation.com and login. Scroll down to the bottom of your homepage and click on the “Science Techbook” link. Find the Unit titled “Exploring Our Solar System” and click on it. You will be at the Concept titled “Characteristics of Our Solar System.” Click on View Concept. Begin reading, watching the videos, and doing the activities. When you reach the bottom of the page, click the NEXT button and proceed through the Concept.