Ch. 13-4: Controversy of the New Deal The New Deal appealed to minorities and the urban poor Broke GW’s tradition of a two-term presidency and ran for an unprecedented 4 terms
Court Packing Scheme Supreme Court declared many New Deal policies unconstitutional FDR wanted to appoint a new judge for every one over 70 Judges would go from 9 to 15
Increasing judges would give FDR more control over the court The plan never happened It was a violation of Sep. of Powers Court soon began approving New Deal legislation
Creeping Socialism Many felt the executive branch was getting to powerful They felt the U.S. was heading towards Communism
Alfred Smith- opposed FDR Radical Reformers wanted more change Huey Long- wanted to share the wealth Dr. Townsend- viewpoints led towards Social Security
FDR’s Legacy Great Communicator with his Fireside Chats Eleanor Roosevelt- very active 1st Lady Frances Perkins- Sec. Of Labor was the 1st female cabinet member
Eleanor Roosevelt
Frances Perkins
New Deal Legacy Increased the spending and power of the Fed. Govt. FDR- considered a hero Helped revive the economy WWII actually got the U.S. out of the Great Depression