Media communication Richard Trombly Contact : Email : Wechat and phone: +86 13818837641 Media communication
Introduction Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost. – Thomas Jefferson A news story should be like a mini skirt on a pretty woman. Long enough to cover the subject but short enough to be interesting. - anonymous
Research methods Analysis is dealing with evaluating the information we already have from other sources. 'breaking down' Research methods deal with gathering – and evaluating – our own data. “creating”
Research methods Qualitative Analysis did not give exact answers.
Research methods Research
Research methods Research is "creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase knowledge and understanding, including culture and society. Then use of this knowledge to: establish or confirm facts, reaffirm the results of previous work, solve new or existing problems, support theorems, or develop new theories. *may expand past works.
Research methods Qualitative research
Research methods Qualitative research is a method of inquiry employed in many different academic disciplines, traditionally in the social sciences, but also in market research, in business, and government or NGO social organizations. It is the basis of the thesis in an advanced degree program in the social or business sciences
Interviews Interviews
Interviews Interview is a conversation between two [or more] people where questions are asked by the interviewer to get facts [or at least statements] from the interviewee. Interviews are a standard part of qualitative research, also used in journalism and media reporting and in various employment and HR-related contexts.
Interviews The qualitative research interview seeks to uncover the meanings of central themes for the subjects. The main task in interviewing is to understand the meaning of what the interviewees say. Interviewing, when considered as a method for conducting qualitative research, is a technique used to understand the experiences of others.
Interviews Informal- just a chat with maybe some probing questions from a researcher Unstructured- reporters will use this. They ask a question and may or may not have a list. They base follow up on answers. Semi-strucutred – focus groups and market-based interviews. Allows fewer variables for consistency of result Structured- survey. No researcher need by present.
Interviews Why Interviews
Interviews Why Interviews Deeper information, in-depth views, thoughts, opinions. Observation We would need to study people and subjects for many years to gain insight by observation. Interview gets to it right away.
Interviews Problem : May not be reliable People lie and distort on purpose and for unconscious reasons.
Interviews How to interview Get identifying information about their age, career, income etc. Assure anonymity Be accurate – tape it if possible Avoid leading questions – people want to please and will try to provide the answer you want.
Interviews How to interview define terms – what they say, ask them to clarify Stay focused – interviews drift. Redirect to the topic Ask clear concise questions Get clarifications or examples [ like what?] or {can you tell me more about}
Interviews w+h word questions Who What When Where Why How
Interviews Structure Question and answer Q&A Q&A Often called a Q&A article or Q&A research
Interviews Must make sense of the interviews Transcribing them so they can be analyzed. Coding is making a way to note what information points are there .. to classify the interview information
Interviews Factors All language is cultural Cultural understanding – what is SAID versus what we understand May lie or distort on purpose or subconscious May not remember accurately People may not provide USEFUL information May try to please you Use of language/cultural aspects
Assignment IN CLASS or homework exercise . identify any person of your choice. Tell why they are of interest, then write 5 interview questions for them. Or interview a classmate on smartphone. Five questions on a topic in current events.