The Commission proposal for the CAP post 2013 DG Agriculture and Rural Development European Commission
Cross compliance
5. The issues of water and pesticides are specifically addressed Cross compliance 5. The issues of water and pesticides are specifically addressed Water Current situation: 2 SMRs: Nitrates Directive and Groundwater Directive The Groundwater Directive is repealed as from 2013 The Water Framework Directive (WFD) should be implemented by farmers at the latest as from January 2013 (“programme of measures”). The WFD will be the EU frame for all Directives and measures related to water. The water issue is well addressed by SMRs in CC However the legal framework is evolving
5. The issues of water and pesticides are specifically addressed Cross compliance 5. The issues of water and pesticides are specifically addressed Water Current situation: 2 GAEC standards: Standard on use of water: addresses the issue of quantities (applied as from 2010) Standard on buffer strip: addresses the issue of protection against pollution and run off (applied as from 2012); there is a link with buffer strips pursuant to the Nitrates Directive. The water issue is well addressed by GAEC in CC The GAEC standards complement the SMRs which are evolving
5. The issues of water and pesticides are specifically addressed Cross compliance 5. The issues of water and pesticides are specifically addressed Water Proposal: The Water Framework Directive will be considered being part of CC when implemented by all MSs and obligations directly applicable to farmers are identified. Delegated power to the Commission to change the Annex. The introduction of the WFD into the scope of CC is confirmed However the timing will depend of its proper implementation on the ground
5. The issues of water and pesticides are specifically addressed Cross compliance 5. The issues of water and pesticides are specifically addressed Water Proposal: In the meantime, status quo for CC: The repealed Groundwater Directive is replaced by a GAEC standard to keep the status quo from 2013. The Nitrates Directive is kept The 2 current GAEC standards on use of water and buffer strips are kept The water issue continue being addressed unchanged until the introduction of the WFD
5. The issues of water and pesticides are specifically addressed Cross compliance 5. The issues of water and pesticides are specifically addressed Water Proposal: However the Water Framework Directive is included in the scope of the Farm Advisory System to help the start up phase of its implementation by farmers Until full implementation, the onus is put on advice rather than on sanctions
5. The issues of water and pesticides are specifically addressed Cross compliance 5. The issues of water and pesticides are specifically addressed Pesticides Current situation: 1 SMR: Directive on placing of pesticides on the market This Directive has been replaced by a Regulation since 14/06/2011 The provisions in the new Regulation corresponding to current provisions under CC makes a direct reference to the Directive on the sustainable use of pesticides (SUD). These provisions are therefore de jure included into CC. However the SUD is implemented following a time schedule, which starts in 2014 for the implementation of the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) It is appropriate that the SUD provisions will only be operational under CC when all MSs will have fully implemented them in particular with clear obligations for farmers. The pesticide issue is well addressed in CC by the new Regulation However the legal framework is evolving. Time is needed to assess the implementation of changes.
5. The issues of water and pesticides are specifically addressed Cross compliance 5. The issues of water and pesticides are specifically addressed Pesticides Proposal: The Directive on the sustainable use of pesticides (SUD) will be considered being part of CC when implemented by all MSs and obligations directly applicable to farmers are identified. Delegated power to the Commission to change the Annex. The introduction of the SUD into the scope of CC is confirmed However the timing will depend of its proper implementation on the ground
5. The issues of water and pesticides are specifically addressed Cross compliance 5. The issues of water and pesticides are specifically addressed Pesticides Proposal: In the meantime, status quo for CC: The provisions for pesticides currently under CC will continue being covered by CC. The Pesticides Regulation replacing the previous repealed Pesticides Directive The relevant provisions under the Food Law (record keeping) The pesticides issue continue being addressed unchanged until the introduction of the SUD
5. The issues of water and pesticides are specifically addressed Cross compliance 5. The issues of water and pesticides are specifically addressed Pesticides Proposal: However the Directive on the sustainable use of pesticides (SUD) is included in the scope of the Farm Advisory System to help the start up phase of its implementation by farmers Until full implementation, the onus is put on advice rather than on sanctions
The farm advisory system
The farm advisory system 1. The principles are specified Proposal: The FAS is a stand alone CAP instrument. It is set up in the Horizontal Regulation and in a single Title Its objectives are specified in the recitals (recital 10) Advising bodies can be public or private Advisors shall be qualified and trained The separation between advice and control shall be ensured Voluntary participation by farmers Farmers are informed of their possibilities to have access to advice Farmers not receiving CAP support are also concerned The advice must be targeted to the situation of the holding
The farm advisory system 2. The scope is significantly enhanced Proposal: Rules under cross compliance (SMR + GAEC) continue being covered by the FAS further areas are covered : - conditions for green direct payments - new criteria for eligibility for direct payments for maintenance of land - sustainable development of economical activity of small farms
The farm advisory system 2. The scope is significantly enhanced Proposal: Further requirements and action stemming from EU legislation and rural development measures in the field of: - Climate change adaptation and mitigation - Biodiversity (including the Birds Directive and the Habitats Directive) - Protection of water (including the Water Framework Directive and the Directive for the sustainable use of pesticides) - Notifications of animal diseases - Innovation initiatives
The greening of direct payments
«Green» Payment (payment for agricultural practises beneficial for the climate and the environment) On top of Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) Compulsory for MS and for farmers if they opt for BPS Additional per hectare payment to fulfil 3 measures depending on the land use on the farm Crop diversification on arable land: minimum 3 crops (max 70% and min 5%) Parcels of permanent grassland shall be maintained at farm level 7% of arable land and permanent crops should be devoted to ecological focus area (fallow land, terraces, landscape features, buffer strips, etc.) 17 17
Rural development
For further information The CAP after 2013 The Communication on the future of the CAP index_en.htm The legal proposals
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