Local Review is a web site used by state industry projections analysts to obtain, from local area experts, information about economic activity and any recommended modifications to projected industry employment. - You as state analysts/economists will be assigned a role of state administrators allowing you to add and remove data and reviewers (may only want 1 or 2 people as admins). The information contained within the Local Review site may be confidential and therefore it is a closed site requiring authorization to log in. As a state analyst or admin you must contact the Utah staff to be assigned the role of administrator. We will add you as a user for your state and assign you as an administrator. Once that is done you will go to the site https://localreview.projectionscentral.com/Logon?ReturnUrl=%2f and sign-up to enter your information.
Local Review - Register After entering your account information and creating a password, click on Register. If the user is not registered they will receive an error message.
Local Review Analyst-Home You as an administrator for your state will view this screen. Go over each of three topics as an overview then go to Data
Local Review - Data Let’s look at each item – Data This is where you will upload your data file from the Projections Suite. Where does the data come from – PS – choose LT or ST, go to Output, choose Export Industry Projections. Select Export Data to File – Local Review Format. This will create a file that can be imported to the Local Review site. Add Data button.
Local Review - Spreadsheets Layout - Do not change the RoundId
Local Review – Import Data Add Data – choose the file to upload and select next. The screen will indicate information about the data you are about to import. Illinois, the timeframe, and there are 123 industries. Check the box to continue and then click on the import button. Data are imported and will be available in the detail section. Delete – click on the delete button to remove any data from the site. Use caution when deleting so that you don’t delete data that you may need to keep and review or review notes.
Reviewers – Manage Manage reviewers allows you to add or delete reviewers. Anybody you want to review your projections will be added here. This is where you need to add reviewers before you notify them to “Sign Up” To assign areas for reviewers click on the user name and reviewer detail information will appear on the screen. Deleting a reviewer will delete all data associated with that user. So use caution.
Reviewer Details Choose the area(s) the reviewer is assigned to and click the arrow to move the area to the assigned text area and click “Save”. Reviewers will not see any data until you assign area data. You have control over who you allow to view your projections.
Local Review - Summary Can choose the area and a list of all the industries will be listed. Summary – allows viewing of all industries for an area and provides base and projected values along with some reviewer information. This is the main view. To see detail information you can click on the industry to display the detail for an industry. You can also click on the left menu or the top menu.
Local Review – Details (before review) The detail screen lists the industry historical series in data list and in a chart. The forecast value is shown. This screen is where you will view all the reviewer comments and where you will enter your modified value.
Local Reviewer - View A reviewer will only see the Summary and Detail screens.
Local Reviewer Summary Only two screens are available to the reviewer.
Local Reviewer - Detail The reviewer will go through each industry and make recommendations if they have knowledge concerning the industry.
Local Reviewer - Changes They can view the data and make recommendation concerning the industry. The reason drop down contains specific types of reasons if applicable or the reviewer can make comments as to why a modification is recommended.
Local Reviewer – Summary modified Reviewers will see all there revisions and notes back on the summary view.
Local Review – Industry All Notes Allows you to choose by industry and area the detail information. The historical values are listed and the final forecast value. Reviewer information is listed to help you decide if a projected value should be modified. When modifying, the value is saved as a “final” value for the industry/area. State analyst will view all the notes and modifications in their detail screen. Modification to the forecast can be done here and submit.
Summary Modified – All The summary will contain all reviewer information. When all changes have been gathered and you have made your changes to the forecast you can click on the export button and a spreadsheet will be created with all the industries that have been modified. Will create a .CSV file which will have to be saved as a spreadsheet (xlsx). Then import the file into the PS and the changes will be made to the area/industry and will be found in the Summary module listed as “Imported” value. (there are no statistics with this type). Once all industries have been evaluated and a final modified value is saved you can use the ‘Export’ button to create a file that can be imported back into the PS. You will use the ‘Data/import’ to add the modified values into the projections suite. In LT the final values will show up in the Summary module with the model type as ‘Imported” and it will be checked as the final selected value. In ST, the last quarterly value is replaced as the final value. Review values at export time.
Local Review Summary Get signed up Import data and review Add reviewers, have them sign up, assign area data for them to review Reviewers review projections Analysts review/analyze recommendations and make any final modifications Export changes to spreadsheet and import into PS