Welcome to our Primary 4 Newsletter Session 2018 - 2019 Welcome to Primary 4. The pupils are settling into their new Classes. P4a have Ms McCann and P4b have Miss Doolan. PE Our PE days for P4a are Wednesday and Friday and for P4b Tuesday and Friday. We recommend that all jewellery is removed on these days before coming to school and that long hair is tied back. The children should keep their named PE kit in a bag at school at all times because sometimes extra PE takes place or there are timetable changes. Homework This will be set from Monday to Thursday and will be made up of reading, spelling, writing, maths and topic activities. Homework diaries are used in P4 and carers and parents are asked to check them weekly. We are going to ‘Dive into Reading’ this year and your child may not always have a reading scheme book home. However they should undertake 20 minutes Renaissance Reading each night. Curriculum In line with Curriculum for Excellence, our focus will be skills development. Our contexts for learning will develop skills in the areas history, geography, science and imagination. Our year planner, which gives an overview of our year programme, is attached, but please be aware that this is subject to change. Please get in touch if you have any specialist knowledge about any area of our school work which you would be prepared to share with the classes. Your child should bring to school each day a pencil case containing at least 2 sharp pencils, a rubber, a short ruler, a sharpener, a few coloured pencils and a few felt pens. Tissues should be brought if required. P4 will have representatives on the Pupil Council and the Eco Committee. We are looking forward to making our school even better. We are confident that Primary 4 will be an interesting year and that the children will have a lot of fun while learning. We do expect every child to give of their best, to try hard, to remember the school rules and their manners and to be kind. Finally, if you have any concerns about any aspect of your child’s time in P4, please do not hesitate to contact us, through the school office and we can arrange an appointment. Thank you for your help and support Ms McCann and Miss Doolan Ms McCann Miss Doolan