Dialogue with and between Religious Communities Aaro Rytkönen, June 13, 2016
Religious Communities Why don’t they stop things from happening? How could they prevent things from happening? How could we work together? FCA / Rytkönen / June13, 2016
FCA / Rytkönen / June13, 2016
FCA / Rytkönen / June13, 2016
Religious communities Multisectoral cooperation network Local authorities Local Police NGOs Religious communities Researchers FCA / Rytkönen / June13, 2016
Dialogue with Faith Communities Respect your Promises Find Bridge-builders FCA / Rytkönen / June13, 2016
BIG NARRATIVE: TRUST-BUILDING AND DIALOGUE WITH ALL Religious communities part of big picture Supporting religious communities in their everyday life Creating athmosphere where everyone feels welcomed BIG NARRATIVE: TRUST-BUILDING AND DIALOGUE WITH ALL FCA / Rytkönen / June13, 2016