Our Eucharistic Journey
What is the Eucharistic Congress? The bishops of England and Wales will hold a National Eucharistic Congress in Liverpool 7-9 September. A Eucharistic Congress is a gathering of Catholics to witness to the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and to adore together His supreme act of love.
Congresses around the world International Congresses are held on average every four years
1908 The only international Eucharistic Congress in England was held in 1908 when the Government refused permission for a public procession of the Blessed Sacrament.
The Year of Faith and the Year of Mercy were called for by the Holy Father; Congresses are organised by a Permanent Congress Committee.
Nationwide The Adoremus Congress is organised by the Bishops of England & Wales.
Supported by Pope Francis Pope Francis is encouraging everyone to go to Adoration regularly: “Moreover, I want to encourage everyone to visit – if possible, every day – especially amid life’s difficulties, the Blessed Sacrament of the infinite love of Christ and His mercy, preserved in our churches, and often abandoned, to speak filially with Him, to listen to Him in silence, and to peacefully entrust yourself to Him.” Photo from Fr Mark Vickers, St Philip’s Howard School
Aims To rejuvenate Eucharistic Adoration in Parishes To encourage greater love for the mystery of the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar To engender a deeper understanding of the place of the Eucharist in the life of the Church To provide practical resources for Eucharistic Adoration for parishes and schools To better form Extraordinary Ministers To better equip parish catechists and schools To confirm parish ministry around the centrality of the Eucharist Image from Good Shepherd Primary School, Hammersmith
Artwork by Elizabeth Wang Themes The emerging themes are: Eucharist Adoration Scripture Catechesis Ecclesiology Formation Music Mission. Artwork by Elizabeth Wang
Outline On the first day there will be a Theological Symposium with talks and workshops. The second day will see keynote talks by the well-known American Bishop Robert Barron and then Cardinal Nichols leading 10,000 Catholics in loving adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. On the final day there will be pilgrimage Masses and an outdoor Blessed Sacrament procession.
Attendees Every parish in the country has been invited to send delegates. Those attending will include: Parish catechists RE teachers Hospital and prison chaplains Seminary communities Extraordinary Ministers. Photo from diocesan course on Creativity 2018
Build-up Around the country talks, meetings and prayerful reflections are being offered in preparation for the Congress. In schools it is hoped that pupils and staff will engage in activities and formation to deepen their understanding of Eucharistic Adoration. The Cardinal has asked for a public act of worship of the Eucharist around the time of Corpus Christi (the Feast of the Body & Blood of Christ) on 3 June. He also wishes that every school learns the hymn ‘Sweet Sacrament Divine’ which has its roots in the Diocese. Photo from St Vincent de Paul Primary School, Westminster
Legacy The intention of the Congress is that there will be a Legacy in our parishes, schools and families. Cardinal Vincent Nichols is encouraging us to ‘rejuvenate Eucharistic adoration in our parishes as the source of strength for our lives and for our mission, that of making present the love and compassion of Jesus in our society.’ Photo from diocesan course on Creativity 2018
Our Eucharistic Journey This is an Education Service initiative to support all primary and secondary schools in preparing for and building a legacy based on this Congress. Photo from St Mary’s Primary School, Eltham
Support parishes, priests and parents in organising Eucharist-based events This will work most effectively if we work together and communicate well. There are various suggestions as to how the schools can support parents and the parish with Eucharist-based events. Some examples of these are shown in the Launch Pack. Although we can develop our understanding of Adoration and Benediction, it is important to remember that the Eucharist is a gift for each of us – it is ‘the source and summit’ of Catholic life.
Nourish and strengthen pupils’ understanding of Christ’s presence in the Sacrament through faith formation This can be done through: Celebrating Acts of Worship including Mass Discrete teaching Assemblies Displays and artwork Sacramental Preparation Linking to RE lessons and other curriculum areas Various support materials using the Launch Pack Image from Good Shepherd Primary School, Hammersmith
Photo from Fr Mark Vickers, St Philip’s Howard School Engage in various acts of worship and meaningful activities during the liturgical and school year to make it memorable and meaningful and so create a legacy There is also a variety of examples in the Launch Pack including: Secondary lesson plan(s) for Adoration Corpus Christi Procession (Primary/FHC children) 24 Hour Devotion Primary Lesson Plan(s) for Adoration 40 Hour Devotion Secondary Lunchtime Adoration Primary Adoration and Benediction There are various suggested activities for the year in the Launch Pack which links to artwork on a separate Eucharistic Art PP. A Blessed Sacrament Booklet can support pupils from KS1-3 with the Divine Praises (home/school/parish) Photo from Fr Mark Vickers, St Philip’s Howard School
Develop teacher, pupil, parent appreciation of the Eucharist with an understanding of how this can affect the lives of believers This can be done by: Organising staff training (see Launch Pack for ideas) Linking with the local clergy and PP for support Looking at saints whose lives have been influenced by the Eucharist including St John Vianney Regularly communicating with parents and providing opportunities for further support, inspiration and shared events Photo from St Vincent de Paul Primary School, Westminster
Where can I get help/support? Parish Clergy RE Advisers Launch Pack Art PP Blessed Sacrament Book Slack RCDOW Website Bishop's Conference Website Photo from Westminster Choir School