On The Job Copyright 2013 © SAP
MOVING FROM SCHOOL TO WORK Finding the right salon What do you stand for? What are you committed to? What are your educational goals? What do you care about? Figure 26-2 26
OUT IN THE REAL WORLD Thriving in a service profession 26 There will be difficult clients. Most people will appreciate the work you do. Points for client service Put others first. Be true to your word. Be punctual. Be grateful. Be a problem-solver. Be respectful. Be a lifelong learner. 26
OUT IN THE REAL WORLD Salon teamwork 26 Figure 26-4 Strive to help. Pitch in. Share your knowledge. Remain positive. Build relationships. Resolve conflicts. Be a willing subordinate. Be loyal. Figure 26-4 26
OUT IN THE REAL WORLD Job Description Compensation methods 26 - Read it carefully. Make sure you understand it. Ask necessary questions. Compensation methods Salary Flat rate Hourly rate Commission—ranges from 25% to 70% Salary + Commission - 26
OUT IN THE REAL WORLD Salary Tips—usually 15% of total service Receive a basic salary. Receive commission on services and retail. Tips—usually 15% of total service Employee evaluation Keeping tabs on your progress and performance First at 90 days Annually thereafter 26
MANAGING YOUR MONEY Meeting financial responsibilities Personal Budget Giving yourself a raise Spend less Increasing service prices or quantities Seek professional advice Research and interview financial planners. Keep credit card debt to a minimum. Consider retirement options. Speak to bank officers. 26
DISCOVER THE SELLING YOU Ticket upgrading or upselling services Recommending and selling additional services to clients Retailing Selling products to your clients for home use Principles of selling Know your services and products. Adapt your approach to clients’ personality and needs. Be confident. Ask questions. Never misrepresent your service or products. Be relaxed and friendly. 26
DISCOVER THE SELLING YOU Psychology of selling Want to look better Want to feel better about self Want to look like someone else Want to solve a problem Figure 26-8 26
DISCOVER THE SELLING YOU Sales conversation techniques Ask about current product. Place product in client’s hand. Explain product benefit to client. Keep retail area clean and well lit. Inform client about promotions. Figure 26-9 26
DISCOVER THE SELLING YOU Five points of selling Establish rapport with client. Determine client’s need. Recommend products. Emphasize benefits. Close the sale. Building a client base Provide good service. Be reliable. Be respectful. Be positive. Be professional. 26
DISCOVER THE SELLING YOU Expanding your client base Birthday cards Business card referrals Local business referrals Public speaking Rebooking clients Reschedule clients before they leave. 26
SUMMARY There are many factors to consider when making the transition from “student” to “professional.” You will not enter the job market knowing everything you need to know. However, you will have a solid foundation of basic information and skills that will lay the groundwork for a lifelong quest of learning. Success is something that we make happen by doing the things we have learned and doing them well. 26