Chapter 21 Section 3,4 Mr. Pressman Freshmen Health
The Impact of Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol And Driving Any amount of alcohol can cause the following: Blood Alcohol Content (BCA)-amount of alcohol in a person’s blood Any amount of alcohol can cause the following: Slow reflexes Reduced ability to judge distance and speeds Increase in risk-taking behaviors Reduced concentration and increased forgetfulness
Driving While Intoxicated DWI and DUI are the same thing Ages 21 and up can drive with a BAC of .08 or lower There is no acceptable amount of BAC for some under the age of 21 If someone under the age of 21 has any BAC their license will be revoked 12 oz. can of beer, 5 oz. glass of wine, 1.25 oz. of whiskey all contain the same amount of alcohol
Driving While Intoxicated Consequences for DUI Injuries to or death of the driver and others Arrest, jail time, court appearance and fine or bail, a police record and possible lawsuit Severely restricted driving privileges and immediate confiscation of driver’s license Higher auto insurance rates or a canceled insurance policy
Driving While Intoxicated Consequences for DUI Injuries to or death of the driver and others Arrest, Jail time, Court appearance and fine or bail Police record Possible lawsuit Severely restricted driving privileges and immediate confiscation of driver’s license Higher auto insurance rates or a canceled insurance policy
Alcohol and Pregnancy A female who drinks during pregnancy can harm the fetus Fetal Alcohol Syndrome- group of alcohol related birth defects that include physical and metal problems A fetus processes alcohol much more slowly than the mother Alcohol stays in the fetus’s system for a longer period of time than the mothers.
Effects of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Small head and deformities of face, hands or feet Heart liver and kidney defects Vision and hearing problems Central nervous system problems, developmental disabilities, poor coordination Difficulties breathing and short attention span Hyperactivity, anxiety and social withdrawal FAS is one of the leading causes of mental retardation
Symptoms of alcoholism A disease that affects the person who drinks and others around him or her Alcoholics are physically or psychologically dependent on alcohol Symptoms of alcohol Craving- feeling a strong need for alcohol Loss of Control- inability to limit alcohol Physical dependence- withdrawal symptoms Tolerance- need to drink more to feel effects
Alcoholics Stages of alcoholism Alcoholic is an addict who is dependent on alcohol Behavior of alcoholics varies from aggression to withdrawal Scientific evidence suggests alcoholism is partially due to genetics Study shows that children of alcoholics are four times more likely to become alcoholics Stage 1- Abuse Stage 2- Dependence Stage 3- Addiction
Effects on Family and Society Alcohol abuse plays a role in crimes and has negative effects on people who are around problem drinkers Alcohol abuse is a major factor in four leading causes of accidental death: car accidents, falls, drowning and house fires Alcohol plays a major role in violent crimes People close to alcoholics develop mentally unhealthy behaviors such as codependency. Codependents ignore their own needs and focus on the alcoholics needs.
Alcohol Abuse Treatment: Steps to Recovery Step 1- Admission Step 2- Detoxification Step 3- Counseling Step 4- Recovery Recovery- process of learning to live an alcohol free life Sobriety- living without alcohol Programs available include Al-Anon/Alateen; Alcoholics Anonymous (AA); Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD); National Association for Children of Alcoholics Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)
Overview No one should drive after drinking alcohol because it impairs mental and physical abilities. If a female drinks while she is pregnant, her baby may be born with mental and physical birth defects. Dependence on alcohol causes alcoholics to harm themselves and the people around them. Alcoholics can recover if they seek help.