1. Global Statistics of Yearly Food Losses & Waste for: Introduction: STRENGTHENING THE CAPACITY OF NIGERIAN CEREALS/GRAINS PRODUCERS ORGANIZATIONS. 1. Global Statistics of Yearly Food Losses & Waste for: cereals –30% Root crops/fruits & vegetables – 40- 50% Oilseeds, Meat & Dairy – 20% Fish – 30% Source: FAO Studies , 2011
2. Food losses Quantitative Losses – decrease in edible food mass available for human consumption Qualitative losses: deterioration of quality leading to economic/nutritional value of food. Food waste- food losses resulting from decision to discard food that still has value. Both food losses and waste take place all along the food supply chains, unacceptably very high in developing countries
3. Impact of Food Losses/Waste: Direct repercussion on hunger & poverty alleviation, nutrition & livelihood improvements They are indications of poorly functioning and inefficient value chains development Loss of economy and food security Affect food commodity availability and prices Reduction in nutritional status and the health, well-being and productivity of consumers Negative environmental impacts on green house emissions, H2O and Soil contaminations etc.
4. FAO Approach- Systematic involvement in the reduction of food losses (1960) i). Concerted Effort on Food loss reduction ii). This training in one (national level) to be cascaded iii). Prevention of Food Losses.
5. Interventions Training on strengthening capacity of Producers organization Improving production planning aligned with markets needs/standards Promoting resource-efficient production and processing practices Improving preservation and packaging technologies Improving transportation and logistics management of food stuff Awareness and advocacy along cereal value chain players Developing the capacity of small-and-medium-scale food chains operators Developing the capacity of regional institutions, national government officials and cooperative/development agencies
6. Our Training Approach Of Producers Organizations along Cereals/Grains Value Chains Experiential learning methodology. Participatory Group Assignment and Discussion Follow ups and Feedbacks (M & E) TOT for capacity Building: - Quality Control - Standard Practices - Certification - Traceability
7. Appreciation Sponsors & Partners
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