Anatomical alignment, but not goniometry, predicts femorotibial cartilage loss as well as mechanical alignment: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative R. Moyer, W. Wirth, J. Duryea, F. Eckstein Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Volume 24, Issue 2, Pages 254-261 (February 2016) DOI: 10.1016/j.joca.2015.08.016 Copyright © 2015 Osteoarthritis Research Society International Terms and Conditions
Fig. 1 Participant selection from patient cohorts in the Osteoarthritis Initiative (n = 4796). 448 knees (FLASH sample) and 486 knees (DESS sample) were included with complete alignment data and radiographic evidence of knee OA (KLG ≥ 2). Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2016 24, 254-261DOI: (10.1016/j.joca.2015.08.016) Copyright © 2015 Osteoarthritis Research Society International Terms and Conditions
Fig. 2 (a) The gold standard, hip-knee-ankle angle (HKA) measurement obtained using full limb standing postero-anterior radiographs. HKA is defined as the inclusion angle formed between a line drawn from the centre of the femoral head to the centre of the knee (distal femoral notch), and a line drawn from the centre of the ankle to the centre of the knee (tibial spines). (b) The new femorotibial angle (FTA) measurement obtained using short knee fixed flexion radiographs and a coordinate system to identify the distal aspect of the femoral condyles according to anatomical landmarks for establishing a location specific joint space width measurement. The femoral axis is centered between two lines identified perpendicular to a tangent at the distal aspect of the femoral condyles. The tibial axis is centered along the shaft of the tibia between medially and laterally placed points at 1 and 10 cm distal to the tibial plateau and is extended proximally beyond to the tibial plateau. FTA is defined as the inclusion angle between these two axes. This figure illustrates the modified output from custom software used to measure location specific joint space width3. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2016 24, 254-261DOI: (10.1016/j.joca.2015.08.016) Copyright © 2015 Osteoarthritis Research Society International Terms and Conditions