This was caused when prices for products Increased in the U.S. but wages stayed the same? A.) Speculation B.) Hedge Funds C.) Underconsumption C.)


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Presentation transcript:

This was caused when prices for products Increased in the U.S. but wages stayed the same? A.) Speculation B.) Hedge Funds C.) Underconsumption C.) Underconsumption D.) Overproduction L F

This resulted when consumers lost buying power but businesses continued to produce goods that consumers did not buy? A.) Overproduction A.) Overproduction B.) Speculation C.) Underconsumption D.) Credit L F

This is how businesses responded to loss In profits from overproduction? A.) Salary increases B.) Wage cuts & layoffs B.) Wage cuts & layoffs C.) Incorporation D.) Increased production L F

This was a risky investment with hopes of Making a quick profit? A.) Speculation A.) Speculation B.) Overproduction C.) Underconsumption D.) Buying on Margin L F

This refers to paying a down payment on stock, then paying installment plans for the remainder of the price? A.) Speculation B.) Overproduction C.) Buying on Margin C.) Buying on Margin D.) Underconsumption L F

An increase in this indicated that people suffered emotionally in the Great Depression? A.) Consumerism B.) Suicides B.) Suicides C.) Production D.) Unions L F

This was what October 19, 1929 is known as? A.) Fat Tuesday B.) Black Friday C.) Ash Wednesday D.) Black Tuesday D.) Black Tuesday L F

This is a place where people could go to get something to eat if they were starving during the Great Depression? A.) Dust bowls B.) Soup Kitchens B.) Soup Kitchens C.) Levittowns D.) Shantytowns L F

Ecological disaster that resulted from dry conditions, high winds, and over- production that made farming impossible? A.) TVA B.) Katrina C.) Dust Bowl C.) Dust Bowl D.) Dust mites L F

This is how homeless farmers in the plains responded to losing their homes due to the Dust bowl? A.) Drew unemployment B.) Grew more crops C.) Volunteered D.) Migration west D.) Migration west L F

Businesses practice of layoffs and firing led To mass? A.) Consumerism B.) Employment C.) Economic Boom D.) Unemployment D.) Unemployment L F

Increased unemployment led to bank foreclosures on homes and? A.) Consumerism B.) Drought C.) Economic Boom D.) Homelessness D.) Homelessness L F

All of these were Causes of the Great Depression, EXCEPT? A.) Speculation B.) New Deal programs B.) New Deal programs C.) Overproduction D.) Underconsumption L F

Makeshift tents and other areas where Homeless people lived during the Great Depression were called? A.) Levittowns B.) Tenement Houses C.) Hoovervilles C.) Hoovervilles D.) Roosevilles L F

This was an indicator that the economy Was in bad shape on October 1929? A.) Stock Market Crash A.) Stock Market Crash B.) Rise in Minimum Wage C.) Wagner Act D.) Increase in Auto sales L F

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