Action Items Following these success of VSOP, science targets of VSOP-2 approach the central region of AGN. studies of accretion disks and jets in AGN studies of non-thermal emission from YSOs And we revenge the maser observations. the highest resolution studies of Galactic masers and extragalactic megamasers. And the capability of other observations have been discussing.
TS meeting A/I s (1/5) Assess frequency coverage at 22GHz vs. science goals, and decide whether lower frequency boundary should be changed to be lower than 21.5 GHz (water at z=0.03). Murata, 1 December 2006. 21.0 - 23.0 GHz seems to be OK. We are also investigating to shift the frequency lower change this to 20.6 -22.6 GHz. Make informal mission request to Europe about the contributions desired from Europe. Hirabayashi/Gurvits, 11 December 2006. There was an directors meeting between JAXA/ NASA/ ESA/ FSA(Russia) in January 23. and we made some materials about ASTRO-G for JAXA director. We also have ESA-ISAS/JAXA science meeting in Feb. 28th - March 1st @ESA. ASTRO-G is one of agenda items. Following these success of VSOP, science targets of VSOP-2 approach the central region of AGN. studies of accretion disks and jets in AGN studies of non-thermal emission from YSOs And we revenge the maser observations. the highest resolution studies of Galactic masers and extragalactic megamasers. And the capability of other observations have been discussing.
TS meeting A/I s (2/5) Form team for MoO proposal to NASA. Murphy, 1 December 2006. Open. Generate letters to NASA and ESA requesting mission support, from JAXA/ISAS. Hirabayashi/Preston/Gurvits, 31 January 2007. Assess possibility of using 26 GHz downlink, plus timing uplink near 26 GHz. Murata/Kono, plus D'Addario to contact JPL frequency coordinator (Ted Peng). 15 December 2006. Done by mail on Jan.11 from Kono-san, and mail on Jan. 18 from D’Addario. (Need to decide the frequency in next meeting.) Following these success of VSOP, science targets of VSOP-2 approach the central region of AGN. studies of accretion disks and jets in AGN studies of non-thermal emission from YSOs And we revenge the maser observations. the highest resolution studies of Galactic masers and extragalactic megamasers. And the capability of other observations have been discussing.
TS meeting A/I s (3/5) Compute tracking time availability for combinations of 3 or 4 stations, determine which ones have 75-80% coverage, and decide which combinations are politically feasible. Murphy/Murata, 1 December 2006. Will be present in this meeting Generate agreed-on link budgets with common assumptions, for different tracking stations and antennas. Kono / Langston / Lopez Fernandez, 15 December 2006. Done by Langston with the mail on Dec 22. But still open for the agreed-on budget. Following these success of VSOP, science targets of VSOP-2 approach the central region of AGN. studies of accretion disks and jets in AGN studies of non-thermal emission from YSOs And we revenge the maser observations. the highest resolution studies of Galactic masers and extragalactic megamasers. And the capability of other observations have been discussing.
TS meeting A/I s (4/5) Estimate performance of Usuda 10m antenna at 26 GHz and 38 GHz. Kono, 22 November 2006. Kono sent Mizusawa 10m on 22 Nov. Check on availability of 1 Gbps QPSK demodulator at JPL. Murphy, 1 December 2006. Murphy is now contacting an adequate person. Propose method to pass on data from GPS, accelerometer, and momentum dumps. Murata, 30 April 2007. Open. I can make some information in next meeting, but not so urgent now. Following these success of VSOP, science targets of VSOP-2 approach the central region of AGN. studies of accretion disks and jets in AGN studies of non-thermal emission from YSOs And we revenge the maser observations. the highest resolution studies of Galactic masers and extragalactic megamasers. And the capability of other observations have been discussing.
TS meeting A/I s (5/5) Assess possibility for VLBA correlator to take on Space VLBI processing at 1 Gbps, assuming that WIDAR correlator takes over all normal VLBA processing. Ulvestad/Romney, 15 December 2006. Done by mail from Jon on Dec 10th. Draft common tracking station/link design and specification. Murata/Kono, 31 December 2006. Open. Kono-san will distribute initial version soon. One of the discussion item in the meeting. Provide updated science case. Hagiwara, 30 November 2006. Makes use of ARISE Executive Summary, to be provided by Ulvestad. Update have already done once, but update continued. I realize that a version of the science case have already send Leonid to use for European community. Following these success of VSOP, science targets of VSOP-2 approach the central region of AGN. studies of accretion disks and jets in AGN studies of non-thermal emission from YSOs And we revenge the maser observations. the highest resolution studies of Galactic masers and extragalactic megamasers. And the capability of other observations have been discussing.