©JeannineNorth2012 The Winter’s Tale Act 3 Scene 2
Lines 1 – 121 (‘This sessions…not revenge.’) ©JeannineNorth2012 Lines 1 – 121 (‘This sessions…not revenge.’) What do you notice about the way Leontes opens the ‘sessions’? What is significant about the use of verse and prose on page 143? Write about the contrast between Hermione and Leontes’ use of language here. This is the bit where… Leontes holds court, literally, and calls Hermione to stand on trial; Hermione speaks in her own defence. Very well indeed. Leontes continues to accuse her of adultery and conspiracy. He speaks… less articulately.
Lines 122 - 169 (‘You hear shall swear’ … ‘make the blacker!’) ©JeannineNorth2012 Lines 122 - 169 (‘You hear shall swear’ … ‘make the blacker!’) Identify and explore the following in this section: hamartia; hubris; peripiteia; anagnorisis. Write about the effect of this section on a live audience. Compare Leontes’ speech here to that in 2.3.130-141. This is the bit where… The Oracle’s verdict is announced, with the added riddle of ‘that which is lost’ Leontes declares it is ‘mere falsehood’; News arrives of Mamillius’ death; Hermione faints; Leontes repents.
Lines 169 – 240 (‘Woe the while!... To these sorrows’) ©JeannineNorth2012 Lines 169 – 240 (‘Woe the while!... To these sorrows’) Why do you think Paulina takes so long to get to the point in her speech at lines 171-199? What is your opinion of Leontes at the end of this scene? This is the bit where… Paulina brings news of Hermione’s death; Leontes is grief-stricken and vows to spend the rest of his life in mourning.