Pages from Joy of Juggling Book 3 Scarf Wheel
3 Scarf Columns Pages from Joy of Juggling Book
3 Scarf X Pages from Joy of Juggling Book
The Basics Pages from Joy of Juggling Book
3 Ball Basics Pages from Joy of Juggling Book
Getting Started 1 Ball Basics Pages from Joy of Juggling Book
2 Ball Wheel 2 Ball Columns Hold both objects in dominant hand. Ball 1 (thumb, middle and pointer fingers) gets tossed first – Straight Up to middle of focus box Ball at the heel of the hand goes up and over ball number 1 Repeat toss and catch as you learned with scarves Hold both objects in dominant hand. Ball 1 (thumb, middle and pointer fingers) gets tossed first – Straight Up to middle of focus box Ball 2 at the heel of the hand goes up on the outside of side line of focus box. Repeat toss and catch as you learned with scarves.
2 Scarf X 2 Scarf columns Toss scarf 1 to opposite top corner Catch scarf 1 with opposite hand Catch scarf 2 with opposite hand Toss Scarf 1 up on inside of line Toss Scarf 2 (with the same hand) On outside of line 3. Catch Scarf 1 4. Toss scarf 2 Catch Scarf 2 Repeat toss and catch
2 Scarf Wheel Toss scarf 1 to top middle of focus box 2. Toss scarf 2 up and over scarf 1 3 Catch scarf 1 and toss up and over scarf 2