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Choose Your Own Adventure The Rainforest Rescue
Away We Go! Your class has raised money to buy land in the rainforest, preserving the abundance of plants and animals that thrive in the jungle. Your class has chosen you to travel to South America and buy a part of the rainforest. While you’re there you will have the chance to take pictures and collect samples of some of the plants and animals. As you board the plane for the long trip to the Equator, you wonder what kind of adventures await you.
Save Me! As you step off the plane into the hot steamy climate of the rainforest, your guide takes you to a jeep that leads you deeper into the rainforest. As you drive you notice the variety of plants and animals. Finally you reach your campsite. Your guide wishes you luck, but cautions you not to venture far from the campsite and disappears into the jungle. It’s time to get to work. As you begin collecting samples of plants and taking pictures of the different animals you hear a piercing scream. It sounds like someone or something is in trouble. You want to investigate the source of the noise, but you’re nervous about leaving your camp. What should you do? Follow the sound of the screaming. Stay at the campsite.
Leopard Rescue You have to help whoever is making that awful screaming noise, so you run into the thick jungle. You come to where you think the noise is coming from and you stop short when you spot a leopard with its paw caught in a trap. The trap must have been set by hunters. You are staring at the leopard and wondering what to do when you hear voices. It must be the hunters! Should you try and save the leopard or run back to camp before they see you? Run back to camp. Save the leopard.
Save the Leopard You can’t let another animal die in the rainforest because of hunters. You quickly look around for something to break the trap open. You grab a stick and slowly approach the hurt leopard. Strangely, you don’t feel scared, your only focus is on saving this beautiful animal. You hear the hunters getting closer. You finally get the trap open and the leopard runs away into the rainforest just as the hunting group steps into the clearing. You know you’ll have a lot of explaining to do, but feel good that you saved the leopard. The End
Run! You would love to save the leopard, but not at the risk of getting shot! You run as quickly as you can through the jungle trying to get back to camp. Oh no! In your hurry to get away from the hunters you’ve lost your way. Now all you can see and hear are the lush vegetation and the sounds of the rainforest animals. You wander around getting more and more lost as the sun begins to set. The End
Play It Safe Your guide told you not to leave the campsite and besides, it was probably just a howler monkey. You continue searching for different plants to show your classmates when you suddenly freeze. Next to your leg is a huge snake and it is looking right at you. You remember reading about various snakes that live in the rainforest, especially the ones that can paralyze your nerves with one bite. Wow! Would the kids in your class love to have this as a pet. Should try and capture the snake to take back to your classroom or slowly back away and leave the snake alone? Capture the snake. Leave the snake alone.
Welcome Home! You decide that the snake needs to stay in it’s natural habitat. You finish taking pictures and wait for the guide to come and pick you up. You can’t wait to get back to school to share all that you have learned. The End
Poison! You can’t resist. Having a snake from the rainforest as a class pet would be so cool! You reach down to pick up the snake and he strikes. You can feel his fangs sinking into you skin and as you run away screaming for help, you realize that your arm is beginning to feel tingly… The End