Schizophrenia By Andres munoz
Causes Schizophrenia is mostly thought to be inherited. Doctors still don’t have a very good understanding of the causes. Environmental factors aren’t being ruled out. Problems during birth such as malnutrition or other not yet known psychological factors.
Prevalence 1% of Americans have this illness. For men, the symptoms usually first occur in their early 20’s.
Signs & Symptoms Unusual perceptions or thoughts. Hallucinations Delusions Movement disorders
Most At Risk Men and women ages 16 – 30. It is rare for a person to get schizophrenia after the age of 45. Although it is not a determinant people with schizophrenia are often addicted to nicotine.
Prevention & Treatment Since causes of schizophrenia are still somewhat of a mystery, prevention is nearly impossible. Treatment is focused on treating the symptoms of schizophrenia, and it is mostly done by the use of atypical antipsychotic medications.
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