PWP Usage Cost Estimate Tool Use this tool to help visualize the potential costs of the PWP sessions. Multiply the number of members by three possible percentages of program usage: 2%, 4%, and 8%. A therapy session cost may vary, the example uses $130. The example is based on 500 members. The yellow circle is a most likely range of possible costs. Lexington Medical Society budgeted $10,400 based on 4% of 500 members at $130 per session. The actual 2016 data was closer to 2% of use by members. Rate 2% 4% 8% Based on 500 members 10 20 40 1 visit $1,300 $2,600 $5,200 2 visits $10,400 3 visits $3,900 $7,800 $15,600 4 visits $20,800 5 visits $6,500 $13,000 $26,000 6 visits $31,200 7 visits $9,100 $18,200 $36,400 8 visits $41,600