School Governance Council Budgeting Overview
How can I support this process? By understanding the process of allocating earned cost center dollars By understanding what information I should be looking for as I approve the general fund budget recommendations. As an SGC it is important to understand our role in this process. As we go through this presentation we will look at many aspects of a budget and many different streams of funding. SGCs should continue to discuss how to allocate any avaiable funds to support the goals and initiatives of the school strategic plan. This presentation will help you understand what information you should be looking at as a council and budget and finance committee and which fund sources are a part of the SGC approval process.
Funding Sources Title I Student Activity Funds Grants or Flexible Funds Cost Center There are multiple funding sources at every school. Title 1 dollars are funds provided from the federal government and have very specific programs that they support. Student Activity Funds are those funds that are generated from items such as (examples- locker fees, parking passes, football ticket sales, etc.) These funds must be spent back on students and for students (cannot be used for personnel). SGCs will be voting on the money available in the cost center budget and in certain cases grants or Flexible Funds. Tracy Watson- Director of Budget Services will walk you through the types of things you may see in a school's cost center and where/how schools get money in this area.
Foundation For Budget Development: School Allotment Guidelines Reviewed yearly Board approved
Earning Category Formula: Driver Teachers: General Education Enrollment/Class Size Teachers: Special Program (TAG, EIP, Special Ed, etc.) Special Program Formula Paraprofessionals: Kindergarten 1 to 1 Match Paraprofessionals: Special Programs Support Staff Base Allocation/Enrollment Supplements Formula and Guidelines Overtime: SRO/Clerical Formula and Guidelines Flex Position List of approved Flex Positions Non Personnel Funds Per Pupil/Program Specific
Allocating Earned Dollars Personnel Dollars Earned: Address Instructional Needs First Non Personnel Dollars Earned: Operating Expenses Additional Positions
Non Personnel Dollar Distribution: ES Non Personnel Earned: 125,300 Copier Lease/Maintenance 15,000 Custodial Cleaning Supplies 5,600 Professional Learning: Materials/Registration 5,000 General Supplies 10,000 Media Center 9,100 Technology .50 Custodian 20,902 .50 EIP Teacher 35,083 Total 110,685 Difference 14,616
Non Personnel Dollar Distribution: MS Non Personnel Earned: 161,100 Copier Lease/Maintenance 20,000 Custodial Cleaning Supplies 7,200 Professional Learning: Materials/Registration 5,000 General Supplies 22,000 Media Center 11,700 Technology 10,000 Additional PA III 29,000 .50 General Education Teacher 35,083 Custodial Overtime Total 144,983 Difference 16,117
Non Personnel Dollar Distribution: HS Non Personnel Earned: 214,800 Copier Lease/Maintenance 25,000 Custodial Cleaning Supplies 9,600 Professional Learning: Materials/Registration 5,000 General Supplies Media Center 15,600 Technology 15,000 Additional PA III 58,000 .50 General Education Teacher 35,083 Custodial Overtime 10,000 Total 198,283 Difference 16,517
What changes might impact the FY20 budget? Enrollment Dollars Major Purchases Programs
What information should I focus on in FY20? What Initiatives will we focus on for FY20? Which of the identified FY20 Initiatives have no budget impact? What funding sources will we use for the remaining FY20 Initiatives? We have provided a resource through our January newsletter that will help principals and SGC organize cost center and potentially flex funds to support those initiatives and outcomes of their school strategic plan. This can also spark a conversation amongst your council around strategic partnerships that you can pursue to support goals and initiatives where funding may be short OR partnering with your local PTA/PTO or foundation for the same puprose. If there is time at the end, you may want to show them briefly the template that we sent out. Do not go over slide by slide but you may just give them a reminder.