Month 20xx doc.: IEEE 802.21-02/xxxr0 Overview and Status of MIF API Connection Manager discussions related to 802.21 November 2012 Juan Carlos Zuniga (InterDigital) XXXX, His Company
MIF API Connection Manager Considerations Draft: The internet-draft defines a set of functionalities required by a generic Connection Manager (CM) from the MIF API being defined in IETF, to present a coherent behaviour over different devices and platforms with multiple interfaces (MIF) An informative section describes the set of 802.21 functions that relate to the functionalities described before Juan Carlos Zuniga (InterDigital)
MIF API Framework (with CM) Policies Application Connection Manager MIF API Communications API OS API (Kernel) Logical Interface Network Link API … IF1 IF2 IFn Note: red lines to be added Juan Carlos Zuniga (InterDigital)
MIF API CM Functions Function API Existent in MIF API • Subscribe(eventID) MIF API Partial? UnSubscribe(eventID) • ListInterfaces() Yes (Announce IF) ListProvisioningDomains() Yes (Announce PD) • GetStatus(IID) No • IPconnectivityCheck(PID, IP[]) • GetConfiguration(IID) OS API - • SetConfiguration(IID) • GetConfiguration(PID) • SetConfiguration(PID) • GetTheoriticalQoS(IID) • GetAvailableQoS(IID) • GetIPtype(IP address) OS API or MIF API? • AssociateRouting (RT-TABLE-ID, FlowID) No (SetConfig?) • SetSourceAddress(IP, FlowID)
Next steps The MIF API authors will evaluate the missing functionalities in the MIF API The authors if the CM draft will provide an update of the MIF API model The 802.21 informative section of the CM draft will be taken out of this document and will be included in a separate document Juan Carlos Zuniga (InterDigital)