Emilia-Romagna Region Networking for successful communication: past experience for the future Plan Anna Maria Linsalata Emilia-Romagna Region Brussels 27 November 2007 Lessons learned, success and failures how are you approaching the complex challenge of keeping together in a single communication plan many different themes; what is your strategy with respect to mass media; how do you intend to build "communication partnerships" with other institutional actors; are you carrying on ex ante evaluation of Structural Funds public awareness; how are you going to make use of your pre-accession experience in information and promotion for the communication of Structural Funds?
Past experience of networking in Emilia-Romagna Objective 2 2000-2006 Region Emilia-Romagna comprises 9 Provinces. In 2002 we decided to set up a network in order to: manage the programme implement effective communication guarantee equal opportunities and widespread information throughout the region
Past experience Basic rules One person should be nominated by the group to take the lead and to coordinate Common agreeements on objectives and strategies - Team work Effective participation of members – Both listening and speaking Periodic meetings and frequent contacts – Both face-to-face and virtual communication
Past experience Strengths Information on rules and practices widely spread Ideas and experiences exchanged Solution to problems discussed within the group Feedback analysed Strategies and results evaluated together: best practices and failures as well
Past experience Weaknesses Provinces were not involved when the communication plan was drawn up Communication not yet a widely spread competence inside public organizations Little involvment of economic and social partners
Past experience Lessons learned Need to involve partners in drawing up the communication plan Sharing objectives, strategies and choices at the very beginning is a guarantee for effective future cooperation The partnership cooperation is a day by day effort
Past experience Lessons learned Speaking together is a very good way of finding out new ideas and being creative Always keeping in mind your target groups and the people you would like to speak with Recognising the importance of the experience exchange beyond your own context: national meetings, European meetings (SFIT- Inform), Twinning projects
ERDF Operational Programme What Emilia-Romagna is doing now Interactive workshop – GOPP Goal Oriented Project Planning - organized in May 2007 in order to start involving stakeholders In order to involve partners it is essential to focus on the advantages they may derive from collaborating with you, otherwise the partnership won’t be effective We started: speaking about present problems finding possible solutions thus defining main objectives for the future plan
What Emilia-Romagna is doing now Discussing the communication plan not only with representatives of the Provinces but also with economic and social partners Widening the network of partners involved in drawing up and managing the communication plan Analysing in detail target needs and expectations Setting up a closer cooperation with other programmes, i.e. ESF operational programme
What Emilia-Romagna is doing now Continuing with a regional network and collaborating with National and European partners
Thanks for your attention Hopefully we will keep in touch and… Work together Anna Maria Linsalata tel. 0039.051.6396324 alinsalata@regione.emilia-romagna.it