Good morning! Think of any questions you have regarding the population labs Don’t wait until Thursday night to ask me questions
Population population control policies
How do governments affect population change? Many governments institute policies designed to influence the overall growth rate or ethnic ratios within the population These policies include Expansive Eugenic Restrictive
Natalism Countries around the world face problems from populations that are either growing too fast, or which are slowly shrinking. Countries with LOW birthrates try to promote their people to procreate by instituting PRO- NATALIST POLICIES Countries with HIGH birthrates try to curb the amount of children being born by instituting ANTI-NATALIST POLICIES
Expansive population policies Encourage families to have more children Communist societies Soviet Union China (Mao Zedong) European countries NOW Tax incentives Sweden: cash payments, tax incentives, job leave, work hour flexibility up to 8 years after birth Short baby boom but led to problems…?
Pro-natalist policies
Russia Pro-natalist Specifics Putin’s plan Many people in Russia were not having children because of an uncertain future Population was falling by 700,000 people a year Putin’s plan “Day of Conception”—9/12 (6/12) $ for a 2nd and 3rd child MEDALS????!!!! All expense paid summer camp for young adults Most important, this plan specifically targets people of European descent.
Singapore Goal? Was anti but now pro Specifics Had high birth rate & fertility rate– made family planning available & gave financial rewards for smaller families Currently, insufficient # of workers & there is an aging population Now pro-Natalist with some incentives for people to get married and have kids like matchmaking services, baby bonuses, and increase fathers’ time off.
Do it for Denmark-do it for mom
Restrictive population policies Reducing the rate of natural increase through arrange of means China—One Child Policy Income bonuses, better health care benefits, better retirement pensions, priority in housing
History of the ocp Became law in 1979, fully implemented in 1981 Initial goal—stabilize china’s population at 1.2 billion Under control of the State Family Planning Commission Easy to enforce in China b/c it’s totalitarian Couples who violated OCP had to pay heavy taxes, for schooling and medical care, and sometimes sterilized
China China in the 1970s faced a population jumping into the billions. IN order to curb the reproductive habits of its people, its leader created a controversial law, the One Child Policy: Couples had to apply to have a child Men could not marry until 22, women until 20 Having only 1 child would result in increased social benefits like $ from the govt., free food, or expanded opportunities Having a 2nd child could result in fines and a reduction in social benefits Both men and women could receive a lot of $$ for getting sterilized Forced to only have 1 child, many Chinese women aborted female babies, waiting to have a male heir. These children today receive the affection of their entire families—”Little Emperors” The policy was officially ended in 2015 in favor of the Two Child Policy
9 minutes
Anti-natalist policies
India Anti-natalist Specifics India has more than a billion people and a high birth rate. 1950 – started family planning and encouraging smaller families. In the 60s and 70s, India tried to lower its birthrate through a program of forced sterilization Now offering incentives for people to get sterilized after having only a few children India's Hindu extremist party, the VHP, has asked the government to enforce family planning measures on the Muslim population, saying its rapid increase is "detrimental" to Hindus in the country
Thailand Overpopulated Offered free vasectomies Economic incentives for family planning
Eugenic population policies Favoring one racial or cultural sector of the population over the others Tax discrimination, allocation of resources, favoritism Nazi Germany Japan? USA atch?v=k88c0ERZyMo KKK Nazism in the US Planned Parenthood
Solutions to population growth Empowerment of women Diffusion of birth control policies Redistribution of wealth (improve standard of living for poor so children aren’t as necessary) Medical technology (costs of maintaining vulnerable populations— old and young) Addressing government policies to deal with their growing populations **Is population control funded by MDC’s ethnical in LDCs? Is it our place to get involved in other countries and their population issues?