How is our democracy under siege? Threats to Democracy How is our democracy under siege?
Do NOW: Refer to the map! How does our government compare to others around the world? (Any surprises?)
What is a flawed democracy? EIU evaluated the following factors: Electoral process and pluralism (are elections fair?) Civil liberties (are we keeping our rights?) The functioning of government (can we get laws passed?) Political participation (are we voting?) Political culture (are we getting along?)
Refer to the chart! How does this data reflect our current political climate?
The U.S. Liberal Consensus for Good Governance In order to have a functioning democracy, most Americans agree that good government requires 3 essential elements . Individual Rights Due Process of Law Separation of Powers These elements are paramount to having a limited government and checks on its power.
What is Due Process? Due process are legal procedures established to protect individuals from being arrested and held without trial. These rights are guaranteed by the 14th and 5th amendments of the Constitution (more on that later!).
What are separation of powers? Separation of power within government maintains a system where no one individual or group has a monopoly on power and can abuse their authority. The Constitution outlines the powers maintained on the federal and state levels. The articles of the Constitution outline the checks and balances between the 3 branches of government.
Discuss! Reflect on what you’ve heard in the news/current events. How have our democratic values been threatened?
Threat #1: Political Polarization Political compromise is declining because of polarized views between the left and right
Threat #2: Voter Suppression Increasing restrictions on the right to vote due to voter suppression rules
Threat #3: Wealth Inequality Growing gap between rich and poor because of economic policies which increase wealth inequality (the rich can buy influence in gov’t)
Threat #4: Crumbling Infrastructure and Public Works Decline in investment in public works because of Americans fear of socialism
How has President Trump threatened our liberal democratic values?
When a democracy is in crisis, the people with power begin to take the following actions: Undermine institutions (like the free press!) Control the news media Constant lying to the public without consequences Disseminate propaganda (gaslighting) Provide little transparency/information on their administration Increase surveillance of the public
So, should President Trump bear all of the blame?
Come to a consensus in your groups! DISCUSS! Come to a consensus in your groups! In your opinions, is the Trump presidency more of a symptom or a cause of our threatened democracy?
Summary! Complete the following sentence! The biggest concern that I have about threats to our democratic system is ___________________.